The system of right of habitation has special functions that can't be replaced by other systems, because it hasn't lose the aim at the value of efficiency, and we should understand its inalienability dialectically.
居住权制度具有无法为其他制度所替代的独特功能,它并未放弃对效益价值的追求,要辩证地理解居住权的不可转让性。 |
The system of rules implicit in a language, viewed as a mechanism for generating all sentences possible in that language.
语法规则隐含在一种语言中的规则体系,被看作在该语言中生成所有可能的语句的机制 |
The system of the Master of Offices in Early Byzantine period is the most remarkable phenomenon in the empire bureaucracy.
摘要执事官机构是早期拜占庭帝国官僚体制中极其引人注目的历史现象,且在古今官僚制度中所罕见。 |
The system of thought holding that all phenomena can be explained in terms of natural causes and laws without attributing moral, spiritual, or supernatural significance to them.
自然主义伦理学的观点认为所有的现象都可以不用归于道理上的,精神上的及超自然的重要性而被解释为自然起因和法则 |
The system of traffic flow predictive control with pseudo set point, predictive model, moving optimization and feedback adjustment could realize performance assurance control of traffic flow system, which provides global analysis and decision making suppo
基于伪给定、预测模型、滚动优化和反馈调节的交通流预测控制系统能够实现有性能保障的交通流系统控制,为交通拥堵预防和拥堵恢复畅通提供全局性的分析和决策支持。 |
The system of ventilation for sleeping rooms and mess rooms should be controlled so as to maintain the air in a satisfactory condition and to ensure a sufficiency of air movement in all conditions of weather and climate.
卧室和餐厅的通风系统应受到控制,以使空气的状况令人满意,并确保空气在任何季节和任何气候下都有充分的空气流通。 |
The system of water source heat pump is complicated and energy-intensive with many kinds of environmental impact.
摘要水源中央空调系统是高能耗结构复杂的系统,对环境的影响也是多方面的。 |
The system on the small-scale is called a microcomputer or minicomputer.
小规模的系统叫做微型计算机或小型计算机。 |
The system operates in five countries.
有五个国家实施这种体制. |
The system operates through a cooperative fund.
该体系通过合作资金运行。 |
The system paper generated is through randomly choice question from database, and question database partition by study content .The system also provide countdown timer. candidates are required to submit the paper before timeout or system will submit autom
本系统试卷的生成是通过对现有题库内题目的随机抽取而组成的,题库按学习内容的章节划分,系统提供了倒计时功能,考生既可以在规定时间内主动交卷也可在考试时间到后系统自动交卷,交卷后系统立即判卷给出分数,从而达到无纸化考试的目的。 |