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But after Harry Potter managed to trick Lucius Malfoy into giving Dobby an old sock, Dobby was free and used his own powerful magic against Lucius Malfoy and knocked him down a flight of stairs (CS18).

But advertising sometimes goes astray. 有时广告也走歪门邪道。
But aerogel is able to slow the particles down to a halt within the space of a few dozen microns, and preserve them better than any known substance. 但是气凝胶能够让这些颗粒减速并最终在几十微米的距离上停下来,比其他任何已知物质更好的保护它们。
But aficionados in the Philippines looped a string around the axle, so the wooden disks could spin freely, or sleep, while hanging down. 但菲律宾的溜溜球迷将绳子松松地圈过轴,木制球盘便能停在底部空转(又称「悬停」)。
But after 20 hours of nonstop debugging, Sandstorm's navigational system is still failing in mystifying ways. 但在经过20小时不停的除错工作之后,沙尘暴的导航系统仍然因为莫名的原因而失灵。
But after Az killed and animated him, everything changed. 但在阿兹杀掉并操纵他之后,一切都变了。
But after Harry Potter managed to trick Lucius Malfoy into giving Dobby an old sock, Dobby was free and used his own powerful magic against Lucius Malfoy and knocked him down a flight of stairs (CS18). 但在哈利.波特设计使卢修斯.马尔福给多比一只旧袜子之后,多比获得了自由,它用自己强大的魔法对抗卢修斯.马尔福,将他打下楼梯逃走(CS18)。
But after I moved my base to this city and started to come and go in front of Tiananmen twice a day on a public bus, Beijing lost its mystique. 但是当我把我的基地移动到这个城市,并且开始在一个公共的公共汽车上一天中在天安门前来去两回以后,北京失去了它的神秘。
But after I stayed with them for a few days, I felt it not too difficult because they were kind-hearted, friendly and talkative. 但是,几天的接触之后,我发现他们善良,友好又健谈,我们很容易相处。
But after Kobe out-Jordaned Jordan in Game 4, hitting Mission: Impossibleshots to send the game into overtime, then win it at the buzzer, Kobe appeared to decide he was now greater than Jordan. 但当第四场科比以超越乔丹的乔丹姿态出现,完成犹如不可能完成的任务的一投,而将比赛带入加时赛,然后在将比赛另人惊异的赢下来,科比看起来已经认定他现在已经比乔丹更伟大了。
But after Liao-case, Chiang Kai-shek promoted his status violently in the party. 蒋介石意外地成为中央权力重组的最大赢家。
But after Mike meets a beautiful girl at the local amusement park, he begins to exhibit the classic signs of vampirism. 但迈克后,会见了一位美丽的姑娘在当地的游乐园,他开始展现经典迹象诈取.

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