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Bloggers should have no more freedom to maim than anyone else with a keyboard; but employers should recognise that deafness is still the better part of valour.

Blog controversies have become a magic weapon of the portals with eye-catching with radical words and various topics. 话题众多、各执一词、言语激烈的博客论战成了一些门户网站吸引眼球的法宝。
Blog, a type of we-media, with the drastic increasing number and unclarity responsibilities, give a chance for people to controvert and have factional set-up. 博客人数的剧增、网络媒体具体职责的尚不明确,让博客这样一个自媒体有了拉帮结派大战乱的可能。
Bloggers anonymously disseminating untrue information on the Internet brought about a negative influence on society, the Xinhua report said. 新华社报道说,博客在网络上匿名散布虚假信息给社会带来负面影响。
Bloggers have challenged the traditional media, lobbied for and against wars, started debates, and posted far too many pictures of their pets. 博客们挑战着传统媒体,进行游说和反对战争,开始辩论,还有发布很多有关他们自己的照片,还有他们的宠物的照片。
Bloggers risk the same peculiar loss of privacy, he says: when every idiocy uttered is permanent - and searchable - individuals may have no choice but to present a sanitised public self in place of the real one. 博客也同样冒着失去个人隐私的风险,他说:当说出的每句蠢话都是永久的,而且可以被搜索到时,个人也许别无选择,只能呈现一个一尘不染的公众自我来取代真实的自我。
Bloggers should have no more freedom to maim than anyone else with a keyboard; but employers should recognise that deafness is still the better part of valour. 与其他任何一个有键盘的人相比,博客都不该有更多的自由令他人受损,但雇主们应该认识到,装聋作哑才是真正的勇敢。
Blogging is a major new social, political, and economic phenomenon. 书写网络日志是社会、政治以及经济领域中一种新生的主流现象。
Blogging is to share your thought, your opinion, not your me too. 六、部落格是分享你的想法、你的见解,而不是转贴认同性的「我也是...」。
Blogging tools and interfaces are for convenience, not for Wow! so fascenating!The same as your site layout. 七、部落格的一些工具和介面要以便利为主,版面的外观也是如此,而不是给人感觉「哇!好迷人呀!」。
Blogs are a great way to connect with new &existing visitors on a daily basis. Don't forget, search engines tend to like updated content as well. 不但博客可以使新老访问者保持每天的联系,不要忘了,搜索引擎也喜欢天天更新的内容。
Blogs are being used more and more by teachers. Many Internet services now offer free and easy ways to create personal Web pages. 博客被越来越多的教师所使用.许多互联网服务被免费提供很容易创建个人网页.

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