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There is a bird, its shape like a crow, head patterns, white mouth, red legs, called Jingwei, it sounds like the call of their names.

There is a big push to use online decision-support tools to track, manage and justity costs. Don't get blind-sided by new requirements for situation analyses. 有一个巨大的推动器,利用在线决策支持工具来跟踪,管理和估算成本。不要盲目片面的,依据新的需求进行情况分析。
There is a big teddy bear on my bed, as a gift from a friend of mine. 我的床上有一只大玩具熊,是一个朋友送的。
There is a big tree in the background of the picture. 这幅画的背景上有一棵大树。
There is a big underground railway system in London. 伦敦有庞大的地下铁路网。
There is a bird on top of the house. 房子顶上有只鸟。
There is a bird, its shape like a crow, head patterns, white mouth, red legs, called Jingwei, it sounds like the call of their names. 有一种鸟,它的形状像乌鸦,头部有花纹,白色的嘴,红色的脚,名叫精卫,它的叫声像在呼唤自己的名字。
There is a black sheep in every flock. 群群羊中有黑羊。
There is a boat in the river. 河中有一只小船。
There is a boat on the lake. 有一条船在湖上.
There is a bolster across the head of the bed. 床头上有一个长枕垫。
There is a bomb in the building ,everybody get out of here !! 这栋大楼有炸弹,大家赶快离开!

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