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Starting with a rag-tag army of only 3,000 men, Liu Bang went on to overthrow the decadent Qin Dynasty and establish a new and vigorous dynasty, that of the Han.

Starting up directly from Atmosphere Pressure for Evacuation. 可直接从大气压起动抽气。
Starting with 185 donated eggs, they produced 31 embryos, 11 of which yielded stem cells. 科学家们以185个捐献的卵子开始,克隆了31个胚胎,从其中11个培育出了干细胞。
Starting with Bangladesh and the mainland China relief in 1991, up to this day, Tzu Chi has already strode across 5 continents namely, Europe, Asia, Africa, Americas and Australia, summing up to 50 more countries in carrying out post-calamity reconstructi 从一九九一年,孟加拉与中国大陆赈灾到现在,慈济已跨越欧、亚、非、美、澳五大洲,援助过五十个国家,进行灾后的重建工作,替灾民建造房屋,还有学校和医院,提供灾民的避难场所,以及灾后复苏的相关物资,只为了表达一份最真挚的关怀与祝福。
Starting with Copernicus, modern science, after being greatly contributed by Johann Kepler, Galileo, reached its glorious age by the time of Isaac Newton. 近代自然科学以哥白尼为标志,经过开普勒、伽利略,到牛顿发展到顶峰。
Starting with a discussion about an accident of oil tanker explosion, the paper analyzes that the accident has mainly attributed to Transitional Loading of Oil. 摘要从一起油轮爆炸事故,分析了事故的起因主要是由于“转换装油”引发的。
Starting with a rag-tag army of only 3,000 men, Liu Bang went on to overthrow the decadent Qin Dynasty and establish a new and vigorous dynasty, that of the Han. 刘邦从这天开始,便率领沛县的三千弟子展开反抗暴秦的斗争,最后终于推翻了秦朝,建立了汉朝。
Starting with a representative three-part aboriginal folk song of Zhuang, the film adopts structurally the contradistinctive techniques in terms of movement and stillness, scene scales , internal and external scenes, natural light and lamplight, and devel 本片以典型的壮族三声部原始民歌为开端,结构上采取动静对比,场面大小对比,内外景对比,自然光与灯光对比的手法,把作品的氛围从宁静到热烈,场景从小到大,气势从收到放,逐步推向高潮。
Starting with a review of Meaning of Totem Pole Culture, this paper makes an analysis of studies of totem pole culture, and how to protect and develop modern national culture. 摘要本文从对《图腾柱文化意义阐释》一书的评述入手,论述了研究图腾柱文化的学术概况、研究理论和象征阐释,并由此谈及对当代民族文化遗产应持的态度和如何处理好保护与开发的问题。
Starting with a sigh intermittent with sentimental notes, the piece tells the story of the unfortunate, yet unyielding life of the author, and his aspiration and yarning for a blissful future by a picturesque rendering of the lake view and the moonlight. 从一声颇带伤感的叹息开始,乐曲借着对湖光月色的描写,讲述了作者凄凉不幸却不屈不挠的人生,以及对美好未来的憧憬和向往。
Starting with a small piece of frost on an electrode, he has grown ice stars and flowery stalks of impressive beauty. 他把电极上的一小片霜变成异常美丽的冰星和花杆。。
Starting with airfoil 2, the pitching moment is increased from -.15 to -.25 to provide more aft loading and aft camber. 从翼型2俯仰时刻由原来的15年至今25年至今,以提供更多后部后部拱落.

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