Born in Dronrijp, the Netherlands, and trained at the Academy of Antwerp, Belgium, he settled in England in 1869. |
中文意思: 他生于尼德兰,受训于安特卫普学院,并于1869年定居英国。 |
Born in Canada to a Lancastrian father and a Welsh mother - he is also a quarter Chinese - Hargreaves learned his trade with the Calgary Foothills in his homeland before being spotted by Bayern in 1997.
出生在加拿大,父亲是兰卡斯特城人,母亲是威尔士人——甚至他有四分之一的中国血统——在他的家乡卡尔加里,哈格里夫斯增进着自己的球计直到在1997年被拜仁发掘. |
Born in Canada, which has the highest per-capita golf participation in the world (19.4%), Weir has finished in the top ten in five of the last major tournaments.
加拿大的人均高尔夫运动参与率(19.4%)高居世界榜首,而韦尔就出生在这个国家,他最近参加了几项重要赛事,并在其中5项中都位于前10名之列。 |
Born in Corpus Christi, Texas, on December 1, 1957, Bissell began to study ballet at the age of ten in Toledo, Ohio.
比斯尔,德克萨斯州人,出生于1957年12月1日,那天正好是圣体节,比斯尔10岁的时候开始在俄亥俄州的托莱多学习芭蕾。 |
Born in December 1965 in Fife, Scotland, Shirley Henderson was cast as Moaning Myrtle in the Harry Potter films, so at 35 she was the oldest actor cast to play a Hogwarts student.
1965年在苏格兰城市法夫出生,雪莉·亨德森在哈利波特电影中扮演桃金娘,35岁的她是霍格瓦茨学生扮演者中年纪最大的。 |
Born in Denmark, Jesper speaks fluent Danish, English, Swedish, Norwegian, German and Spanish.
捷斯伯来自丹麦,通晓丹麦语、英语、瑞典语、挪威语、德语以及西班牙语。 |
Born in Dronrijp, the Netherlands, and trained at the Academy of Antwerp, Belgium, he settled in England in 1869.
他生于尼德兰,受训于安特卫普学院,并于1869年定居英国。 |
Born in Feb.1941,a native of Feng cheng of Jiangxi Province, graduated from the Fine Arts Department in Jingdezhen Ceramic Institute in 1964.
1941年2月生,江西丰城人,1964年毕业于景德镇陶瓷学院美术系,1988年被评为高级工艺美术师,享受国务院“政府特殊津贴”专家,1996年获“中国工艺美术大师”称号,1999年被评为研究员。 |
Born in Fort Worth, Texas, USA, John Salmon studied in Germany, in Texas, USA and at the famous Julliard Conservatory in New York City.
约翰.塞尔文出生于美国的德克萨斯洲,他主要是在美国的德克萨斯洲音乐学院和德国的音乐学院学习音乐,之后,他回到美国著名的音乐学府朱莉亚音乐学院深造。 |
Born in Guiyang, Guizhou province.
男、大提琴)1988.12.14出生在贵州省贵阳市。 |
Born in Hangzhou in 1964, Ma first made a name for himself with his idea to start an online directory called China Pages,widely regarded to be China's first internet-based company.
1964年出生在杭州的马云,开创了被广泛的认为是中国第一家基于英特网的以他自己的理念的网上导航公司,叫做“中国黄页”。 |
Born in Harlem, he was raised outside New York City by his mother after his father's murder.
他出生于纽约市哈林区,父亲被谋杀后,母亲在纽约市市郊把他抚养长大。 |