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Don\'t trust nothin\' except your instinct.

Don\'t put all your eggs in one basket. 这是英语里一句很著名的谚语,用来劝人做事不可孤注一掷.
Don\'t quit your job in a huff; you have to consider your golden handcuffs. (不可因一时生气而辞职;你要考虑自身的福利。)
Don\'t spit or talk loudly in public places. Wait in line. Eat quietly. 禁止在公共场所随地吐痰、大声喧哗。自觉排队。吃饭时不要说话。
Don\'t take any wooden Indians. 不要拿有印第安人肖像的木质钱币。
Don\'t test the patience of dragons, wizards and women. 不要测试妖魔鬼怪和女人的耐心。
Don\'t trust nothin\' except your instinct. 除了你的直觉以外,别相信任何事。
Don\'t try to win a friend by presenting gifts. You should instead contribute your sincere love and learn how to win other\'s heart through appropriate ways. 不要靠馈赠获得朋友。你应该奉献你诚挚的爱,学会通过正确的方法获取他人的心。
Don\'t use any medication for a fever in this range unless advised by your doctor. 除非医师建议,否则不要服用任何药物。
Don\'t use hot water, a heating pad or a heating lamp to warm the victim. 不要给患者使用热水、电热褥或加热灯等设备。
Don\'t wait until morning to see your usual physician — meningitis is an emergency. 不要等到第二天早晨才去看医生——脑膜炎是一种急症。
Don`t be arraid to learn.knowledge is weightless,a treasure you can always carry easily. 不要害怕学习。知识是无法衡量价值的珍宝,拥有了它,你便能轻松上路。

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