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One chick keeps a hen busy.

One character is not clearly differentiated from another. 人物之间的区别没有明显刻划出来.
One characteristic Mikel displayed throughout the ordeal necessary to get his dream move was stubbornness: he believed that Chelsea was the only place for him. 为了实现自己的转会梦想、在那漫长而难熬的闹剧中米克尔展现出的性格特点之一是倔强:他坚信切尔西是他唯一该去的地方。
One cherished, and praiseworthy, goal of the president's is to achieve a just and economically literate solution to the problem of illegal immigration in America. 最引人关注的、也是最能够往自己脸上“贴金”的事情就是竭尽全力,出台一项合理有效地政策,在最大限度节约成本的情况下,体面地解决好美国的非法移民问题。
One cherishing love, resolution and craze for beautiful things is sure to overcome any hindrance. 一种珍爱、决心和对美丽事物的热望可以冲破一切障碍。
One cherub at the one end and one cherub at the other end; of one piece with the expiation cover he made the cherubim at its two ends. 8这端作一个基路伯,那端作一个基路伯,两端的基路伯与遮罪盖接连一块。
One chick keeps a hen busy. 一只小鸡已够母鸡辛忙。
One child a family has become the norm in some Asian countries. 每个家庭只养一个孩子的做法正在成为某些亚洲国家的准则。
One child remains hospitalized after a woman ploughed her car through a church street festival, injuring dozens. 一名妇女驾驶她的汽车冲进教堂的街头艺术节(街头舞会),致使几十人受伤,一名孩子目前仍在医院接受治疗。
One child with a fever was released after four hours, and then was driven away in an ambulance. 四个小时后,一个发烧的孩子被释放并由救护车带走。
One choice for people who want a low-risk investment is the money market. 对于想要低风险投资的人他们可以选择金融市场。
One chopped himself in half, and then there were six. 七个小黑人在砍柴;一个把自己砍成两半还剩六个。

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