Membraseal-type tubes are usually pierced open with a “spike” cap of polythene or hard plastics.
破封型软管则经常配有聚乙稀或硬塑料制的“钉状”管盖以刺穿密封的管口。 |
Memes are thus true replicators, possessing all three properties—replication, variation, selection—needed to spawn a new Darwinian evolutionary process.
因此,迷因是真正的复制子,拥有酿成新的达尔文演化过程的三个性质:复制、变异、天择。 |
Memetics neatly resolves the mystery of the human brain's vastness.
人类的脑子非常大,教人百思不得其解,利用迷因学就迎刃而解了。 |
Memo #3 : In a one-page memo, summarize the basic guidelines for effective abstracts and introductions.
便笺之三:在一页的便笺中,摘写简洁有力的摘要和引言的基本指南。 |
Memo to Chinese food exporters: dont mess withAmericaspets.
提醒中国食品出口商:别惹美国宠物。 |
Memorable, above all, was the day on which Victor carried his bat, after having put together a score of182.
尤其值得纪念的是,那一天维克多在获得182分之后,仍未被判出场。 |
Memorial Weekend camping will take place between May 29th and 31st. PTA will accept application starting 9 A.M. today (3/27) until 4/17.? Please pick up application form at Information Desk.
国殇纪念日周末露营将于五月二十九日至三十一日举行。报名于今日(二十七号)九时开始,到四月十七日截止。请到家长会服务台领取报名单。 |
Memorial ceremonies for the February 28, 1947 massacre were held peacefully throughout Daiwan today.
今阿日全台员拢有二二八耶纪念会。 |
Memorial services are taking place today for some of the Virginia Tech students who died in Seung-Hui Cho's violent rampage.
部分弗吉尼亚理工大学死难学生的悼念活动今天举行,他们被赵成辉残酷屠杀。 |
Memorials will also be held tonight for victims of the attack at the Pentagon.
纪念攻击受害者将于今晚在五角大楼举行。 |
Memories are beautiful preious, which I always understand. However, more precious are ahead of me, to which I can expend my youthful vigour.
回忆很美好,我一直都了解。可是,有太多比回忆更美好的东西,在前面。那些让我挥灑青春的美好的事情。 |