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He said his party would move an adjournment to defer the bill's second and third readings if the government i isted on going ahead with the vote next week.

He said his findings do provide good reason to believe other planets beyond our solar system also have water vapor in their atmospheres. 他说他的发现使人们相信太阳系以外星系的星球大气中也有水蒸气的存在。
He said his findings, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, suggested that women wanting to conceie should watch their trans fat consumption, as well as giing up smoking and maintaining a healthy weight. 他说,他的一些发现发表于美国临床营养学杂志,在那里他见那些想怀孕的女性,应该像戒烟和保持正常体重一样,注意自己的反式脂肪酸摄入量。
He said his foundation had invited Li to serve as the image spokeswoman for the “Little Angel Fund,” that is also designed to help poor children with leukaemia late last year. 他说:他的基金会邀请李宇春做“小天使基金”的形象代言人,该基金也是用于去年下半年帮助贫困的白血病儿童的。
He said his girlfriend was sensitive to the soot smell. 他不应该那样失礼的云云。
He said his investigators were fairly certaintraders were using the technology to strike deals outside the scope of their organisation's normal controls, and that City of London figures were using it to tip off friends about M&A deals. 他说他的调查人员“比较确定”,交易员正在使用这种技术,在他们所属机构的正常控制范围之外敲定交易,而伦敦金融城的一些人正使用该技术把并购交易消息透露给朋友。
He said his party would move an adjournment to defer the bill's second and third readings if the government i isted on going ahead with the vote next week. 他说若政府一意孤行要在下周如期表决,自由党会在二读和三读时提出动议,要求押后立法。
He said his party would move an adjournment to defer the bill's second and third readings if the government insisted on going ahead with the vote next week. 他说若政府一意孤行要在下周如期表决,自由党会在二读和三读时提出动议,要求押后立法。
He said his plan had the virtue of being the easiest to implement. 他说他的计划的优点是最简单易行。
He said his tribe was under a curse. 他说他的部落被下了诅咒。
He said his union, Local504 of the Transport Workers Union, mademassive contract givebacksover the years to help Pan Am with its financial troubles.It was all to no avail, he lamented. 他说他的工会——运输工会504分会——历年来在合约上做了“极大的让步”以协助泛美[航空公司]纾解财务困难。“结果全然没用,”他哀伤地说。
He said his wife have the spare key, so he'd have to go home by taxi. 他说他的妻子带着备用钥匙,所以他要坐出租汽车回家。

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