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No person devoted to destruction may be ransomed; he must be put to death.

No pearl is allowed to be preloaded on Automatic Machine. 答:自动机器人预先不能带块。
No pemission smoking in public. 公共场所不允许吸烟.
No permanent damage may occur during testing. 在测试过程中不能出现永久性的损坏。
No permitting for anything such as talking some trifle with classmates , sleeping , doing the other activities irrelevant for the teaching contents in class. (上课期间,不允许与同学谈论琐事,睡觉、做其他于课堂内容无关的活动。)
No permitting throw rubbish on campus. 在校园里不准丢垃圾.
No person devoted to destruction may be ransomed; he must be put to death. 29凡从人中当灭的都不可赎,必被治死。
No person is as uninteresting as a person without interests. 没有兴趣的人是最乏味的。
No person may erect any building in a riverbed or in flood land without the approval of the competent department concerned. 未经有关主管部门批准,不得在河床、河滩内修建建筑物。
No person may use or attempt to use any technology or applications (including web crawlers, robots or web spiders) to search, collect or copy any content from the our web site for any purposes, without the prior written consent of us. 未经本公司事先书面同意,任何人不得为任何目的使用或试图使用任何技术或应用软件(包括网络爬虫、网络机器人或网络蜘蛛)从本公司网站搜索、搜集或复制任何内容。
No person succeeds all the time. 常胜将军是没有的。
No personality, no charm. 没有个性就没有魅力 可言.

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