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If the persistence of the abnormal finding confirmed, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was performed.

If the people were tough and resilient, it was because the land gave them no opportunity to be otherwise. 如果说人们是坚韧和振作的,那是因为大地没有给他们颓丧的时间。
If the people's government of a county or an autonomous county is seated in a city, workers and staff members of its affiliated government agencies, people's organizations, enterprises and institutions may participate in the election of deputies to the pe 六、县、自治县的人民政府驻地在市区内的,其所属机关、团体和企业事业组织的职工,参加县、自治县的人民代表大会代表的选举,不参加市、市辖区的人民代表大会代表的选举。
If the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government prescribe new standards for pollutants discharge by active motor vehicles and technically transform them, it shall be subject to the appr 省、自治区、直辖市人民政府规定对在用机动车实行新的污染物排放标准并对其进行改造的,须报经国务院批准。
If the percentage of man student have any influence on the uninversities' recuiting, it will certainly break the equal right according to the score. 如果大学是按学生的男女比例而不是按学生的成绩来招收的话,那么这就是对成绩面前人人平等的滥用。
If the performance does not measure up to the requirements / expectations, profiling tools are used to find the performance bottle necks in the system. 如果系统性能不能满足需求的期望值,那么就要使用剖析工具来找出制约系统性能的瓶颈。
If the persistence of the abnormal finding confirmed, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was performed. 一旦确认,则均予实施后颅窝核磁共振映像术。
If the person against whom prosecution is not to be initiated need be given administrative penalty or administrative sanction or his illegal gains need be confiscated, the People's Procuratorate shall make suggestions to such an effect and transfer the ca 对被不起诉人需要给予行政处罚、行政处分或者需要没收其违法所得的,人民检察院应当提出检察意见,移送有关主管机关处理。
If the person answering the call is too lackadaisical, unenthusiastic or indifferent, they may hang up and take their business someplace else! 如果接电话的人很庸懒,缺乏热情或是漠然,他们会挂掉而去找别的客户。
If the person concerned refuses to carry out the Customs decision and fails to apply for a reconsideration of the case to the People's Court within the time-limit, the Customs making the decision may confiscate the deposit of the person concerned, sell of 当事人逾期不履行海关的处罚决定又不申请复议或者向人民法院起诉的,作出处罚决定的海关可以将其保证金没收或者将其被扣留的货物、物品、运输工具变价抵缴,也可以申请人民法院强制执行。
If the person did well in his or her driver's education class, he or she will pass the test with flying colors and get a driver's license. 如果这人在驾驶教育课程上也取得好成绩,他(她)将大功告成,考试合格,并且得到一张驾驶执照。
If the person is wearing wet clothing, remove it and replace it with a dry covering. 如果患者身上的衣服已湿,那么应为他脱去已湿的衣服并用干燥的衣服或其它覆盖物替代。

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