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The odour of food may trigger man's appetite.

The odes praised merit without flattering, remonstrated with negligent rulers without being overly harsh, and lamented fate without being excessive. 赞叹功德的,既不流阿谀﹕劝谏君王的,亦不显露骨:悲叹命运的,也不至凄厉。
The odontogenic keratocyst (OKC) is classified as a developmental cyst that derived from the enamel organ or the dental lamina. 摘要齿源性角化囊肿乃起源于牙釉器官或是牙板的发育性囊肿。
The odor of food may be a trigger for man's appetite. 政府已经优先考虑交通拥挤的问题。
The odor penetrated the whole room. 整个房间里弥漫着这种气味。
The odour brought her vividly, almost tangibly before him. The world of finance dwindled suddenly to a speck. And she was in the next room—twenty steps away. 那股气息使她的容貌栩栩如生地,几乎是触摸得到地显现在他眼前。金融的世界突然缩成一个遥远的小黑点。她就在隔壁房间里——相距不出二十步远。
The odour of food may trigger man's appetite. 食物的香味能引起人的食欲。
The odour of pines ~s the air. 空气中散发着松树的气味.
The odour summoned up memories of my childhood. 这气味使我回忆起孩提时代。
The odyssey finally ended when Vidana and the other two men, identified as Salvador Ordonez and Lucio Rendon, were rescued a week ago by a Taiwanese tuna fishing trawler in waters between the Marshall Islands and Kiribati. 一周前,维达纳和其他两位遇难渔民、奥德兹和雷顿被台湾的一艘渔船在马歇尔岛和基里巴斯之间的海域发现并获救。
The oerall surgical morbidity rate was 25%. Three patients had hepatic adenomas in the explanted lier. 总的外科发生率为25%。3例患者的移植肝出现肝腺瘤。
The off contract Siena fullback is expected to hold talks with Lazio today. 这位与锡耶纳合同到期的后卫有望在今天与拉齐奥进行商谈。

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