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When Jehu went out to his fellow officers, one of them asked him, Is everything all right?

When Japan gave in to U.S. pressure in the 1980s to strengthen the yen, the result was a decade-long economic malaise. 20世纪80年代,当日本迫于美方压力使日元增值的时候,其结果就是日本长达十年的经济不振。
When Japan was industrialising, ambitious companies did some contract manufacturing, but they also worked hard to build their own brands, as Matsushita did with Panasonic. 日本在工业化时,那些野心勃勃的公司也承包制作,但是他们也非常努力打造自有品牌,就像松下的松下幸之助那样。
When Jarod disappeared one night, Maiev was surprised and grieved that he had not spoken to her of his impending departure. 一天晚上,迦洛德突然失踪,玛维惊讶之余更是倍感悲痛,因为他没有向她道别。
When Jay Leno asked Aniston to touch her nose with her tongue on the Tonight show, she politely declined. 当美国著名电视脱口秀主持人杰·雷诺在他的《今晚》节目中要求安尼斯顿用自己的舌头碰自己的鼻子时,她礼貌地拒绝了。
When Jay Zhou comes, all the fans are excitied. 当周杰伦来时,所有的影迷都感到激动。
When Jehu went out to his fellow officers, one of them asked him, Is everything all right? 11耶户出来,回到他主人的臣仆那里,有一人问他说,平安吗?
When Jerry Jarrett and Jeff Jarrett launched a NWA promotion (Total Nonstop Action, otherwise known as NWA: TNA.) in Nashville, Tennessee in the summer of 2002, they scouted the country for inexpensive talent to fill out their weekly pay per view shows. 当杰瑞加内特和杰夫加内特2002年夏在田纳西的纳什维尔发展了NWA,他们在整个国家范围内寻找廉价的天才来填满他们每周的付费演出。
When Jesus arrived, there are so many people misunderstood Jesus, they were thinking Jesus had his own motivations, either for the earthling thone or power. 当耶酥抵达时,庭上华冠满席,然读懂耶酥者,廖廖无几。他们以世俗的思想去猜度他,这个被审讯的人,不是想篡位,便是想谋权。
When Jesus came into Peter's home, He saw his mother-in-law lying sick in bed with a fever. 太8:14耶稣到了彼得家里、见彼得的岳母害热病躺著。
When Jesus came into Peter's house, he saw Peter's mother-in-law lying in bed with a fever. 14耶稣到了彼得家里,见彼得的岳母害热病躺着。
When Jesus came out wearing the crown of thorns and the purple robe, Pilate said to them, Here is the man! 5耶稣出来,戴着荆棘冠冕,穿着紫袍。彼拉多对他们说,你们看这个人。

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