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Following the sound, the cat discovered the bird under the pile of cow dung and promptly dug him out and ate him!

Following the result, a controlled damper can be made up. 据此可制作阻尼可控结构。
Following the roar,out rushed a tiger from among the hushes. 一声吼叫,呼地从林子里冲出一只老虎来!
Following the rule of gender equality, we should try to change people's idea from the institution of the man and woman are not equalfundamentally, thus induce people to procreate without intentional sex selection. 应基于性别平等的观点,从制度上着手改变男女不平等的根源,进而引导人们真正做到“生男生女顺其自然”。
Following the second author's first understanding, Longchuan's Huangbu, Sidu, Chetian, TuoCheng are all colloquial dialects, with Sidu and TuoCheng being quite close colloquial dialects. 根据第二作者的初步了解﹐龙川的黄布﹑四都﹑车田﹑陀城都有独特的口音﹐其中四都跟陀城的口音较近。
Following the second cardiac arrest, he developed transient third degree atrioventricular block with a junctional escape rhythm of 50 beats/min; his chest pain subsequently resolved. 第二次心跳停止后,他出现一过性3度房室传导阻滞伴交界性逸搏,心率50次/分,继之,胸痛恢复。
Following the sound, the cat discovered the bird under the pile of cow dung and promptly dug him out and ate him! 顺著歌声,猫发现了躲在牛粪中的小鸟,非常敏捷地将它刨了出来,当场把牠给吃了!
Following the steps of its famous grand old man Mirage Ⅲ &Mirage F1, Dassault Aviation Mirage 2000 is a multirole combat fighter of France. 继著名的幻影Ⅲ和幻影F1战斗机后,法国达索航空公司于80年代开发出了幻影2000多用途战斗机,并于1984年开始在法国空军服役。
Following the successes of Randy Travis, Reba McEntire, and Alabama, a new leader emerged in early 1990-- Garth Brooks. 继兰迪.特拉维斯,里芭麦克恩泰尔和阿拉巴马成功后,九十年代初又出现了一位新的乡村音乐领头人:加斯.布鲁克斯。
Following the target of new rural, government bing the maininvester, rural communication bing the developing main body; coordinating the nongovernment volunteer organization and the society invests; by this resources disposition and the system arrangement 摘要在新农村建设目标引导下,政府作为启动者、组织者和主要出资者;农村社区及村民作为发展主体;协调非政府志愿者组织及社会投资,以此资源配置和制度安排,构建乡村旅游的启动平台,是乡村旅游走出困境,获得可持续发展的关键所在。
Following the teaching reform in the Road and Bridge project speciality, countering the problems in the Road Alignment Survey Design course and according to the teaching practice and fostering goal; this article analyses the nature of this course and sugg 摘要结合我校省级教改专业-道路桥梁工程技术专业教改的进程,针对道路勘测设计课程教学存在的问题,并根据专业培养目标的要求和该课程的特点,结合教学经验,提出该课程教学改革的具体措施。
Following the tradition of behavioral research in economies, some findings of relative study are reviewed, especially the work in psychology, and some models about individual learning behavior and decision making are introduced, based on the summary of so 摘要梳理近二十年来文献中所显现出的在非主流传统和认知科学的交叉点上的新分析路径,沿经济学中的行为研究传统,首先对当前经济学于这一传统的复归进行考察,进而在梳理了相关学科尤其是心理学研究成果的基础上,对经济学中的个体学习行为和决策模型的发展脉络作了必要的归纳。

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