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The revolutionary improvement changed the course of history.

The revolution of the earth made us four romantic seasons, bringing us chances to enjoy different duds with the changing reasons ,which always fulfiled our peacockery. 地球的公转,为我们营造了浪漫的春夏秋冬,使得我们能够有机会随着季节的变化而穿戴不同的服饰,满足我们永远虚荣的心。
The revolution set the country on the road to democracy. 这场革命把国家引上了通往民主的道路。
The revolution, in itself, bore no fruit after all. 最后,那次革命本身没有产生任何结果。
The revolutionaries are attacking the palace. 革命分子在攻打王宫。
The revolutionary Steiner Predator lens coating increases the contrast of wooded and camouflaged backgrounds and makes wildlife much easier to detect with the human eye. 划时代的视得乐狩猎镜片涂层有效地增强木质和迷彩的观察背景,明显地滤除了一层自然伪装,使人眼易于辨认野生动物。
The revolutionary improvement changed the course of history. 这革命性的进步改变了历史的轨迹。
The revolutionary state, under whatever political label, has to be run-not by violent romantics-but by experts in marketing, sanitary engineering, and the management of bureaucracies. 无论贴着什么样的政治标签,革命后的国家都不是由激进的浪漫主义者来治理,而是由市场营销、卫生工程和管理官僚机构的专家来治理。
The revolutionary war is a war of the masses; it can be waged only by mobilizing the masses and relying on them. 革命战争是群众的战争,只有动员群众才能进行战争,只有依靠群众才能进行战争。
The revolutionist eluded capture for weeks by hiding underground. 那位革命者为避免被捕在地下躲藏了几个星期。
The revolutionist planned to overturn this puppet regime. 革命者计划推翻傀儡政府。
The revolving of the model and the raising of the plastic bag have relationship with the heat. 纸蛇的旋转和塑料袋的上升,都和加热有关,也就是说空气受热变成热空气后就有这些现象。

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