Motivational speakers charge thousands of dollars to impart this kind of training to corporate executives and staff.
换了是一些给公司行政人员和员工作培训的讲师,可能要收取上万的课酬才会传授这等经验。 |
Motivations in language indicate various relationships between the signifier and the signified, or those among signifiers.
语言理据是辨识或诠释语言符号意义的依据,它反映能指与所指之间的各种联系。 |
Motive, he said, ticking the point off on his fingers. Opportunity. As a traveller for a firm of druggists, easy access to the poison.
“动机,”他打着响指说,“时机。作为一个医药公司的销售员,弄到一些毒药是很容易的。” |
Motley, for his part, makes his villains excessively villainous and his heros wearisomely heroic.
讲到莫特利,他把他的坏人讲得过于无赖,把他的英雄写得过于英勇,看了使人厌倦。 |
Moto parts major in Iveco fitting,C.V boot, flasher, Distributor cap, Gasket and so on.
汽配方面主要有白金、防尘套、闪光器、汽缸垫等。 |
Motor actuators for rising stem valves can be powered by air, gas, hydraulic or electric power.
用于升降阀杆(明杆)阀门的马达执行机构可以采用空气、燃气、液体或电力作为动力。 |
Motor coordination; a motor reflex.
肌肉运动的协调;肌肉运动反射 |
Motor drives the solid-bowl without holes and the feeding scroll assembled concentric to rotate together to a higher speed at a certain differential speed.
电机带动无孔转鼓及同心安装的输料螺旋,以一定的差速同向高速旋转。 |
Motor heat dissipation shall be accomplished by circulating a heat transfer fluid from an integral reservoir through channels that are internally cast into the motor stator housing.
电机散热应该通过热传导流体的循环流动来完成,这些流体从一体式贮存器流经内铸管道,进入电机定子外壳。 |
Motor is still running, but will not burned.
电机仍在运转,但不会烧毁。 |
Motor mounts are heavy duty design to minimize deflection and vibration.
重负荷电机安装架设计,使混合器运行过程中的偏斜和振动最小。 |