Through its forcefulness on Arunachal, China is signalling that the ongoing negotiations with India cannot centre merely on border demarcation, even if both sides still call them border talks.
通过在阿鲁纳查尔邦的强势,中国在发出信号:与印度正在进行的谈判不能仅仅集中在边界划分上,尽管双方仍然称之为“边界谈判”。 |
Through its harmonious width and simple beauty, this music can help us to feel such detachment.
和谐的音符无限流传,体现出淳朴的美感,让人感觉超凡脱俗! |
Through its programs, people worldwide renew their hopes for a future that is bright and secure.
透过它的计划,全世界的人们可恢复他们对未来一种光明与安全的希望。 |
Through its unique formal changes of tenses and aspects, verbs may form cohesion which is both grammatical and lexical.
通过其独有的时、体形态变化,动词还有可能与其他词类(如名词)构成跨语法、词汇的衔接。 |
Through its vivid characters, Pride and Prejudice contrasts many human qualities: depth and superficiality; honesty and dishonesty; pride and humility; independence and [color=Red][b]servile [/b][/color]compliance; selfishness and generosity.
《傲慢与偏见》通过生动的角色对比了人类的许多品行:高深和肤浅,正直和欺骗,傲慢和谦逊,独立和顺从,自私和慷慨。 |
Through its vivid characters, Pride and Prejudice contrasts many human qualities: depth and superficiality; honesty and dishonesty; pride and humility; independence and servile compliance; selfishness and generosity.
《傲慢与偏见》通过生动的角色对比了人类的许多品行:高深和肤浅,正直和欺骗,傲慢和谦逊,独立和顺从,自私和慷慨。 |
Through laboratory tests on sandy pebble soil by using the dynamic triaxial test, researches of saturated sandy pebble soil have been done.
摘要通过对砂卵石土室内动三轴试验,对饱和砂卵石土的动力特性进行了较为深入地研究。 |
Through laziness and cowardice a large part of mankind, even after nature has freed them from alien guidance, gladly remain immature.
由于懒惰与懦弱,人类的很大一部分在大自然把他们从外界的引导下释放出来后,依然甘愿处于不成熟状态。 |
Through leading and publish and examine and forbid relation determinism and that the double meaningses of determinism proveexamining and forbid and classical sports compatible law relation, Suppose and reduce a lot of of quantum mechanics to one basically
通过导出测不准关系具有决定论和非决定论的双重意义而论证了“测不准关系与经典运动规律兼容”,在此基础上将量子力学的多个基本假设缩减至一个,从而大大美化了量子力学。 |
Through leaving home at an early age, boys learn to suppress their emotions─and sometimes it may seem that they learn to have no emotions at all.
由于这些男孩们很早就离开了家,他们都学会了压抑自己的感情——有时甚至学会了没有感情。 |
Through literature retrieval and questionnaire survey, the authors sorted and analyzed some domestic environmental factors that affect the physical and mental health of students in middle and elementary schools in rural areas, and revealed the following f
摘要对影响农村中小学生身心健康的若干家庭环境因素进行了排序和分析:父母的受教育程度、家庭经济、家庭作业、营养是影响农村中小学生身心健康的主要因素;卫生习惯、家务劳动、家庭关系等因素也不同程度地影响着农村中小学生的健康成长。 |