A Generalization of Jackson′s Summation Formula _8φ_7
F.H.Jackson超几何级数公式_8φ_7的推广 |
A Generalization of the Bernfeld-Haddock Conjecture and Its Proof
Bernfeld-Haddock猜想的推广形式及其证明 |
A Geopolitical Analysis of the Stormy Gulf Situation
海湾风云的地缘政治分析 |
A Glimpse at 979 International Symposium on Circuits and Systems
979年国际电路与系统学术讨论会侧记 |
A Glimpse at the Spiritual Poverty of Female Youth in the Countryside
农村女青年精神贫困透视 |
A Glimpse of Doha——The Host City of the th Asian Games 00
多哈掠影——游00年第届亚运会主办城市 |
A Glimpse of Higher Forestry Education in Australia
澳大利亚高等林业教育一瞥 |
A Glimpse of Licensed Pharmacist System in the USA
美国执业药师制度一瞥[附:全美执业药师考试样题] |
A Glimpse of New Products and New Technology
新产品新技术一瞥 |
A Glimpse of the Urban Scul in Moscow An Introduction to the Sculpture of the Saviour Church and the Victory Plaza
莫斯科城雕掠影(二)——介绍救世主大教堂及胜利广场雕塑 |
A Good Form of Training Speciality Leading Cadres in Rotation
轮训专业领导干部的一种好形式——把学习、总结、调查、研究结合起来 |