Only 22% of African households have access to electricity.
只有22%的非洲家庭有电力供应。 |
Only 24 percent of respondents from China reported always experiencing an orgasm during sex, the lowest, followed by Japan on 27 percent.
只有24%的中国受访者称性生活时常能达到高潮,为受访国家中最低;日本为27%,居倒数第二位。 |
Only 25 on the list are under 40, led by 37-year-old computer founder Michael Dell at No. 18. The highest-ranking rich woman was No. 8, Alice Walton, with assets of ' 20.5 billion.
在这497名巨富中,有25位年龄在40岁以下,排名最前的是名列第18位的戴尔公司创始人,现年37岁的迈克·戴尔。最富有的女性是名列第八位的爱丽丝·沃尔顿,净资产达205亿美元。 |
Only 26% agree with the predominant scientific view that life evolved by processes of natural selection without the need for divine intervention.
只有26%的人同意主要的科学观点,即生命通过自然选择而不需要神的干预就能进化而来。 |
Only 36% of them had received mental health treatment or counseling, SAMHSA noted.
然而只有36%的人接受了精神方面的治疗或咨询。 |
Only 37 percent in total said it was absolutely essentialthat the next US leader has been a faithful spouse -- but broken down along party lines the figure was 52 percent among Republicans and only 25 percent among Democrats.
仅37%的受访民众认为下任总统对伴侣忠诚是“最基本”的品质,但如果从各党派的分配来看,共和党内持此观点的占52%,民主党内为25%。 |
Only 38% of western Ukrainians have been to the east of the country and 35% of easterners to the west, says one poll.
一项民意测试表示,乌克兰西部地区的人民仅有38%去过乌克兰东部,而东部人只有35%去过西部。 |
Only 47% of those tested reach (reached) the basic level in history, and 54% preformed at or above the basic level in science.
只有47%的学生对历史达到了基本了解水平,54%对科学达到了基本及以上水平。 |
Only 5 minutes walking from Hualien Train Station to here, lowest cost but cozy and clean environment.
距离花莲火车站步行不到5分钟,用最低廉的花费,享有舒适又乾净的住宿环境。 |
Only 57 survivors have been found - none so far Saturday - out of a population of 1,857.
在失踪的1857人中,目前只找到57个幸存者,但周六目前一个也没找到。 |
Only 6 of us from Taiwan, Especially went to Japan to see Ji Hwan again in such nice and important event!
只有我们6个人来自台湾,特别为至奂去日本参加这美好难得的见面会. |