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Very simple, open the file, click the command button, follow the instruction, nothing special!

Very rare pair of photographs, demonstrating the value of a good mortician. Though in this case, he is more of a wax sculptor. Photos circa 1920's, Rotten collection. 大致意思是说非常罕见的一组图片,但再次证明了一名优秀的殡葬业者的价值。尽管他很象蜡像。
Very significantly, the MYR wheat management program in Virginia included the crucial link between research and education ... crucial for the speedy grower adoption of new information. 弗吉尼亚州最高产量研究小麦管理项目包括了联系研究和教育的重要环节,……使种植者迅速采纳新方法是很重要的。
Very similar to a hedgehog, except that the knarl takes offense easily and will wreak havoc on garden plants (FB). 和刺猬很相似,除此之外它的攻击性很强,会大肆践踏花园的花木来发泄怒火(神奇动物)。
Very simple metal work , need some spot wedding, bend and fold, assemble, galvanized metal sheet. 非常简单的部件,需要些焊接,弯折,折叠,装配和电镀的金属板。
Very simple really, use soap and water or methanol. DO NOT USE PETROL. 可以使用肥皂水,木精千万不可使用石油机溶剂。
Very simple, open the file, click the command button, follow the instruction, nothing special! 非常简单,打开文件,按制,跟指示走,没有什么特别!
Very simply put, it works in this way: through a sophisticated system of electronics, television provides the capability of converting an image(focused on a special photoconductive plate within a camera) into electronic impulses, which can be sent through 简单说来,电视是以这种方式工作的,通过一个复杂的电子系统,电视能够将一幅图像(这幅图像被聚焦在一部摄像机内的一块特殊的光导底片上)转换成能经过导线或电缆发送出去的电子脉冲信号。
Very slowly, because of his exceeding weakness and stiffness, he rolled over on his other side. 他非常缓慢的翻了个身,因为他非常虚弱和僵硬。
Very slowly, the continents are moving across the face of the world. 这块大陆慢慢地在地球表面移动着。
Very small photosite compromising image quality (marketing over quality)? 非常小的像素使画质下降(商业而不是质量?
Very small stars are called dwarf stars. 非常小的恒星叫做矮星。

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