Bribes paid to officials by racketeers for immunity from prosecution. |
中文意思: 保护费诈骗勒索者为免于被起诉而向官员提供的贿赂 |
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Briareus swiftly untied the thongs, using every hand at once, and released his master.
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Briatore has been in charge since Renault bought the former Benetton team back in 2000.
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Briaud, J. L., William, F., and Weatherby, D. E. “Should Grouted Anchors Have Short Tendon Bond Length?” Journal of Geothechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 124. No. 7, pp. 110~119, 1998.
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Bribery is a global challenge in the international societies.
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Bribery is neither a custom, nor a habit, but a practice in many societies.
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Bribes paid to officials by racketeers for immunity from prosecution.
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Bribing your child with candy will leave a bad taste in your mouth!
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Brick-and –mortar companies are working hard to create similarly rich data sources.
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Brick-and-mortar companies are working hard to create similarly rich date sources.
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Bricks and dishes are made from various kinds of clay.
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Bricks and wood are good technology because they interconnect neatly and can be assembled into custom configurations.
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