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First let's look more closely at how we calculate the equation.

First lady Laura Bush walked outside to receive the Fraser Fir that was pulled up the driveway to the North Portico by two horses, including one that didn't seem happy in his work. 第一夫人劳拉·布什亲自出门迎接这棵弗雷斯冷杉的到来,马车停在白宫北入口处的车道上,拉车的两匹马中有一匹似乎不太喜欢这份工作。
First lady and New York U.S. Senator-elect Hillary Rodham Clinton and her daughter Chelsea celebrate with the crowd during her victory rally in New York, Tuesday. 同为美国第一夫人及刚当选的纽约州参议员的希拉克周二和女儿在纽约的当选庆祝大会中与群众们一起庆祝这次的胜利。
First let me introduce myself. 首先请让我自我介绍一下。
First let us situate this discussion in the context of the recent achievements of neuroscience. 首先让我们以神经系统科学的最新研究成果作为讨论背景。
First let's decide if we want our center of interest to be the public telephone, the bridge, or the cactus. 首先,让我们决定一下把谁作为图片的兴趣中心点,是公用电话,是桥,抑或仙人掌?
First let's look more closely at how we calculate the equation. 先让我们看看如何计算前面提到的等式。
First lets see how we can build a height map from an image. 我们首先来看看如何从一张图像上创建高度图。
First line of Technical Communication (application issue and color match) between the customer and R &D of Valspar Shanghai. 作为客户与威士伯公司研发部门技术沟通(应用问题以及调色)的第一人。
First love is a littler foolishness and a lot of curiosity. 初恋是一点点笨拙外加许许多多好奇.
First love is like first snow: The marks are easy to see. 初恋就像初雪,印记很容易看见。
First love is only a little foolishness and a lot of curiosity. 初恋就是一点点笨拙外加许许多多的好奇。

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