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Both the prenatal period and adolescence are critical times in brain development and smoking has been linked to memory and attention problems in teens.

Both the ontological egoism by Descartes and the functional egoism by Kant reveal this tendency. 无论是笛卡尔的实体性自我,还是康德的功能性自我,都体现着这种确定性追求的努力方向。
Both the original listing and the relisting must be in Online Auction or Fixed Price format (not Store Inventory format or Real Estate Advertisement). 原始列出物品和重新列出的物品必须是在线拍卖或是定价出售格式的,不是商店格式或者房地产广告。
Both the popularity rating and support rate of CE Donald Tsang continue to fluctuate within narrow and statistically insignificant ranges. 05特首曾荫权的民望支持度和支持率继续在窄幅波动,升跌并不明显。
Both the population and labor migration from rural areas to cities in Latin America and in Africa are typical among developing countries with many migration problems. 摘要拉美和非洲地区工业化过程中的人口与劳动力由农村向城市的迁移,是发展中国家人口与劳动力流动问题的典型代表。
Both the positive and negative results of its moral education are valuable for us. 其正反两方面的经验教训很值得我们思考和借鉴。
Both the prenatal period and adolescence are critical times in brain development and smoking has been linked to memory and attention problems in teens. 在孕期和青春期时大脑的发展,吸烟和记忆力的关联和意识问题在十几岁的人中间是至关重要的。
Both the prevailing theory and DZL neglect the presence of the structure of privilege culture, which is increasingly solidified by its self-production mechanism of social relationships and social structures and make Chinese people lack rules-consciousness 一个时代、四重结构既是邓先生对当下中国时代病症的诊断,也是其对中国法学进行总体批判的前提性判准。
Both the prime minister's office and the National Police Agency have established crisis centers to gather information and coordinate relief efforts. 日本首相府和警察厅成立了紧急中心,搜集有关情况,协调救灾努力。
Both the qualitative approach regarding the role of logistics in a company as well as its logistics capability and empirical methods like the theory of economies of scale and the volume-cost-profit analysis model are utilized in the paper to explain the c 既从物流在企业中所占地位和企业物流能力等定性方面进行分析,又用规模经济的理论,借鉴量本利分析的模型,来解释商业企业是采用自营物流还是采用外包物流。
Both the readings and assignments may be downloaded for this course. 本课程的阅读与作业皆可下载。
Both the run-off zones and tyre stacks play a crucial part in the high safety standards of top-class motor racing. 在一流赛车比赛的高安全标准中,缓冲区和轮胎墙两者都起着至关重要的作用。

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