Continued in-depth training in mass casualty emergencies with an emphasis on a complete working knowledge of the START Triage system, particularly below Battalion Chief level.
对重大伤亡紧急情况的持续性深度培训,尤其是在队长以下的级别重视START伤检分类系统的完整工作知识的培训。 |
Continued population increase, accompanied by a rise in the level of living standards, not only threatens to exhaust American resources but pollutes the environment to such an extent that production in the thickly settled area is impossible without damagi
人口持续地增长,伴随着生活水平的提高,不仅使美国受到资源枯竭的威胁,而且对环境的污染也已达到了如此严重的程度,以致居民稠密地区的工业生产不损害当地居民健康就不能存在。 |
Continued turbulence on the sun remains a concern for the next week.
下周,太阳的后续动荡情况仍将受到密切的关注。 |
Continuing efforts to improve, broaden, and deepen my skills and knowledge.
不断改进及加强工作所需之知识与技术。 |
Continuing headache complicated with nausea and vomiting for 2 months.
7两月以来,持续性头痛伴恶心,呕吐. |
Continuing improvement will allow the maker to modify the design or specification without notice.
本公司保有规格变更设计之权利,以上规格,如有变更,恕不另行通知。 |
Continuing inflation means that euro adoption is at least a decade away.
由于两国持续通货膨胀,他们进入欧元区至少还需要十年以上。 |
Continuing or lasting for a month.
持续或连续一个月的 |
Continuing or lasting for an indefinitely long time.
长期的,长久的继续或保持无限长的时间的 |
Continuing our Primary Brand Promise to Make Everyday Exciting, over 90 media guests will be taken on a Huangpu River evening cruise as we unveil the All New 3rd Generation Ford Mondeo to fireworks in the sky.
秉承福特主品牌活得精彩的主张,90多位媒体朋友今晚将在黄浦江上,在盛大的焰火中见证全新第三代福特蒙迪欧揭开神秘的面纱。 |
Continuing power cuts are a big reason for a recent dip in the government's popularity and a revival in the Socialists' fortunes.
持续的电力不足也是最近政府支持率下降的主要原因,这也让社会党人看到重新上台的机会。 |