Locomotion Study Laboratory focuses research on normal and pathological human motion and foot pressure analysis, functional evaluation of limb prosthesis and orthotics, parametric analysis of prosthetics alignment, motion-aid device functional analysis, m
动作分析实验室:专门研究正常与有疾病之人体动作与足底压力分析;下肢义肢与支架辅具功能评估;义肢校正参数标准化研究;行动辅助器功能评估;神经控制动作分析。 |
Locomotive cards, which are wild in the base game and can be played as any color, can be played only when trying to build a tunnel.
在基本板中,火车头可以代替任何一种颜色的牌,现在只有在建立隧道的时候才能使用。 |
Locus (pl.loci) The position of a gene on a chromosome. Alleles of the same gene occupy the equivalent locus on homologous chromosomes.
基因位点,基因座:基因在染色体上的位置。等位基因位于同源染色体相对应的位点上。 |
Locust had stripped the leaves off the trees.
蝗虫把树上的叶子都吃光了。 |
Locust swarms are a serious threat to crops in parts of northern Africa,officials said on August 8 .
8月8日,据毛里塔尼亚官员透露,在北非的大部分地区,蝗灾对农作物构成严重的威胁。 |
Locusts ate the country bare.
蝗虫把乡下的庄稼吃得净光。 |
Lod, and Ono, the valley of craftsmen.
35罗德,阿挪,匠人之谷。 |
Lodge JP, Pollard SG, Selvakumar S, et al. Alternative techniques for arterialization in multivisceral grafting[J]. Transplant Proc, 1997,29(3):1850.
黄洁夫,何晓顺,陈规划,等.附加腔静脉成形的背驮式原位肝移植术[J].中国实用外科杂志,2000,20(11):652-4. |
Lodged only in the minds and bodies of men, spring brought an upsurge of illnesses and infections, adulteries, drunken brawlings, and pregnancies.
春来了只有向人的身心里寄寓,添了疾病和传染,添了奸情和酗酒打架的案件,添了孕妇。 |
Lodging Hospitality.
住宿接待》针对住宿业所面临的盈利能力、全球化、集资机会、供过于求、技术、饮食业经营等重要问题,介绍旅馆、汽车旅馆和娱乐场所的开发、经营和销售管理方面的经验。 |
Lodging can reduce yields of many crops and should be controlled in maximum yield research.
最高产量研究中,防止倒伏也是不致减产的一种措施。 |