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We are all overwhelmed by his prodigious memory.

We are all mor-tal—which is simply a word of Latin origin that means deathful. 我们都是腐朽的—腐朽这个词出自拉丁语,意思是“致命的”。
We are all moved by the plight of these poor homeless children. 我们全被这些穷苦、无家可归的孩子的困境所感动。
We are all movie fans. 我们都是电影迷。
We are all on edge to know the election results. 我们都急切地想知道竞选的结果。
We are all one man's sons; we are true men, thy servants are no spies. 11我们都是一个人的儿子,是诚实人。仆人们并不是奸细。
We are all overwhelmed by his prodigious memory. 我们都被他那惊人的记忆力折服了。
We are all part of one big family. 我们是一个大家庭的成员。
We are all partly to blame. 我们都必须负一部分责任。
We are all pervaded with a sense of disaster. 我们普遍有大祸降临的感觉。
We are all prisoners of our past. 我们都摆脱不了往事的羁绊。
We are all prone to think there is something wrong with the mental processes of the man who disagrees with us. 我们都有这种倾向,认为跟我们意见不同的人,心智的运作过程一定有毛病。

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