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We did not come out on such a bad note except on the rebound side.

We did just that, suffering another long spell perched on the side of this summit awkwardly holding our pads above us. (我们举着垫子高高过头,难看得要死,在山顶上遭受着又一次长时间的栖息山头的苦痛。)
We did microbial stimulation project from 1994 to 1996 in Dagang oilfield and increased 2300 tons of oil. 1996年期间,在大港油田进行微生物吞吐,累计增油2300吨。
We did microbial stimulation project in Dagang oilfield in 1997 and increased 1473 tons of oil. 1997年在大港油田进行微生物吞吐,累计增油1473吨。
We did not ask respondents to give us their reasons for any rise or drop in confidence, but the subsiding of debates on GST (goods and services tax) and minimum wages, and the growing fluidity of the financial market with occasional warnings, may all have 调查没有询问被防者信心上升或下跌的原因,但近期关于销售税和最低工资的争论开始淡化,金融市场活跃但又时有警号,都可能影响各项指标的走势。
We did not carry purses or keys or anything of that nature. 我们从不带钱包或钥匙或诸如此类的东西。
We did not come out on such a bad note except on the rebound side. 我们不应该打得这么差,特别是在篮板上。
We did not deserve to lose. 但对我们来说,就有点失望了。
We did not detect any somatic mutation in PTCH gene. 追踪四个月并无复发的迹象。
We did not expect anybody to stand up and holler that they had an epiphany. 我们对这项事务的讨论还是比较愉快的。”
We did not find God he found us and called us into his family. 不是我们自己寻求到神,而是神拣选了我们并且呼召我们到神的大家庭里。
We did not follow cleverly invented stories when we told you about the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty. 16我们从前,将我们主耶稣基督的大能,和他降临的事,告诉你们,并不是随从乖巧捏造的虚言,乃是亲眼见过他的威荣。

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