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It used to be customary in England for a man to give up his seat to a lady in a crownded tramcar.

It used materials such as gold, platinum, and jewels. 它采用的材料,如黄金、白金、首饰.
It used to apply only to reflecting telescopes in which the primary mirror was a paraboloid, and thus capable of forming an image all by itself. 它过去只用在抛物面反射望远镜上,这种镜子只用主反射镜就能成像。
It used to be believed that sugar could decay the teeth. 过去人们认为糖会腐蚀牙齿。
It used to be believed that the earth was flat. 以前的人相信地球是平的。
It used to be considered that the Loushanguan Formation was composed of thick-bedded dolomite, which is very difficult for division. 传统上认为湘黔交界处的中寒武统—下奥陶统娄山关组为均一性极强的厚层白云岩,可分性极差。
It used to be customary in England for a man to give up his seat to a lady in a crownded tramcar. 在拥挤的电车上,男子让坐给女士,往昔在英国是习以为常的。
It used to be my favourite restaurant but the standard of cooking has fallen off recently. 那是我以前最喜欢的饭馆,但近来烹饪水平已大不如前了。
It used to be one of China's waterway hubs. 大牛:它可是中国水路的交通要道。
It used to be that every household had a well; now the village hires a truck to fetch water from a mile away. 以前村民每家每户都有一口水井,如今村里只能雇一辆卡车,从几里外往回拉水。
It used to be the Royal Naval College. 它过去曾是皇家海军学院。
It used to jump to a big space for break. 如果有很大的空间,牠习惯跳上去休息。

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