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You may have to install printers yourself.

You may have the opportunity to get involved in some interesting conversations. 双子座:有机会参加一些有趣的谈话。
You may have this computer on loan, but if you keep it more than three weeks it will be subject to additional costs. 你可以借用这部计算机,但如果超过三个星期还未归还,就得加收费用。
You may have to do a credit check,set up a new account for the new customer,create a new file with a new label just for that new customer,and gather lots of information about that customer in order to provide them with the service they expect. 你可能还要做信用券,为新的客户建立一个新的说明,而且要收集许多有关这个新顾客的信息,以便提供他们需要的服务.
You may have to go the distance and make a commitment if you want to hold things together with someone you like. 如果想和所爱的人一起分享就需要穿越距离并许下诺言。
You may have to hit 529 forehands, concentrating on the two key points before it's really grooved into your muscle memory, each person is different, it may be less, it could be more. 你可能必须打击529次正拍,专注于这二个关键重点,然后真的才可陷入你的肌肉记忆之内,每个人都不同,可能较少次,也可能要更多次。
You may have to install printers yourself. 你可能必须安装打印机你自己。
You may have to pay a deposit to open an electricity account, but if you pay your bills promptly they won't keep it. 你也许必须付一笔保证金以开启电力帐户,但如果你立即支付帐单他们不会保留它。
You may have to unscrew the gear (3 screws)to access the right hand latch, but I am not sure of that. 也许你需要松开齿轮(3颗螺丝)来卸下右手边的卡子,不过我不是很确定.
You may have to wait several minutes, especially on an older machine. 你可能需要等待几分钟,特别是在老机器上。
You may have trouble at first recognizing some of the constellations; they will be backwards from what you are accustomed to - because you are viewing them from outside the celestial sphere rather than from the vantage point of the earth. 乍看上去,你也许会对一些星座感到困惑,它们与你熟知的星座是相反的-这是因为你正在从天球外面而不是地球上观察它们。
You may have trouble sleeping at night when you travel. 当你旅行时,也许你在夜晚难以入睡。

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