This week witnessed the biggest private-equity offer in history, a buy-out of BCE, a Canadian telecoms operator, that would be worth a total of $48.5 billion.
本周,加拿大电信运营商BCE的并购案成了私募股权史上规模最大的一宗,该案总值可达485亿美元。 |
This week work began on a project to re-establish agriculture should such a calamity occur.
这周关于如此灾难发生时如何进行农业重建的计划开始展开。 |
This week's atrocity in its economic capital should not undermine its progress.
本周发生在其经济首都的暴行也应该不会削弱其发展。 |
This week's bilateral agreement with South Korea came even closer to the wire.
这周美韩双边贸易更是拖到终点。 |
This week's data releases will provide the first opportunity to assess how consumer sentiment has been affected by recent weakness in credit and equity markets.
本周公布的各种数据,将首次有机会评估最近信贷市场和股市的走弱对消费者信心的影响。 |
This week's gem is not a product, life couching (and possibly saving) survival tip.
这周的珍宝不是一个产品,生存技巧或逃生窍门。 |
This week's meeting was all about extremes — monitors that are very big or very small, very thin, very light and very, very high-resolution.
本周的这个会议展示的都是非常极端的显示器技术,非常大,或者非常小,非常轻薄,以及非常高的分辨率。 |
This week's threat, apparently designed to prove a claim made last year that the country has nuclear weapons, marks a serious escalation of tension.
朝鲜在本周发出的这个威胁显然是为了证实去年该国所宣称的拥有核武器的说法,这标志着紧张局面的严重升级。 |
This week, 109 Chinese academics published an open letter calling on authorities to take action against plagiarism. Signing the letter were professors from several of China's most prestigious universities.
本周,109位中国学者发表了一封公开信,呼吁主管机构对学术剽窃采取措施。来自中国几所著名大学的教授们签署了该公开信。 |
This week, Chen et al. take this question to the level of single dendritic spines by investigating actin network dynamics following theta burst stimulation (TBS).
在这周,陈等人在θ短暂快速脉冲的电刺激下通过对肌动蛋白网状动力学的研究将这个问题上升到单个树突棘水平的研究。 |
This week, Mr Kaberuka urged African countries to manage their debts sensibly.
本周,卡贝鲁卡先生力劝非洲国家理性掌控他们的债务。 |