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An example shows that this algorithm can simply solve the problem of the optimum order batch in the distribution system in the case of external ongoing changes in demand.

An example of this is a page which opens after the user has clicked on a link to see the video. 如:用户点击了“希望链接到视频页面”的链接之后显示视频。
An example of this would be Dickens' novel Oliver Twist. 要举这方面的例子,请看狄更斯的小说《雾都孤儿》。
An example of where a braking reference point is a must, is a blind corner. 有一种情况下刹车点是必须的:这就是盲弯。
An example shows that the given algorithm is able to eliminate the influence of correlated observational noises effectively upon Kalman filter result. 实例计算结果表明,采用该算法能够有效地消除测量噪声相关性对滤波结果的影响。
An example shows that the process parameters can be speedily optimized by the genetic network model, and higher ethylene yield can be obtained. 示例表明:建好后的网络模型可对乙烯生产装置进行快速工艺参数优化,获得较优的操作数据。
An example shows that this algorithm can simply solve the problem of the optimum order batch in the distribution system in the case of external ongoing changes in demand. 实例结果表明,在外部需求不断变化的条件下,该算法能简便地解决供应链企业分销系统合作中的最优订货批量问题。
An example that is easily observable is the sexual urge. 最常见的例子是性冲动。
An example was Grand Minister Hsu Ti. 张籍:「六街朝暮鼓鼕鼕,禁兵持戟守空宫。」
An example would be a Flex Agent. 可伸缩的产品就是一个很好的例子。
An excavator sits in the Israeli West Bank settlement of Maale Adumim 05 August 2004. 8月5日,一台挖土机停在约旦河西岸马阿勒·阿杜明定居点。
An excellent book, I knew all of the contents before, but I was not familiar with them in detail, this book begins with essential knowledge, It's very intensive. 不错的一本书,里面讲的东西我原来都了解,但并不清楚细节,这本书从基础讲起,非常透彻。

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