In 1989, the last train with significant amounts of graffiti on it was taken off the lines, ending an era.
1989年,最后一辆满载着涂鸦的列车停运,结束了列车涂鸦的时代。 |
In 1989, three days of rioting erupted in Miami when a police officer fatally shot a black motorcyclist, causing a crash that also claimed the life of a passenger.
迈阿密发生暴动,长达三天,起因为警察误杀黑人机车骑士,结果酿成车祸,一名路人亦为之丧命。 |
In 1989, workers began punching a hole in the Berlin Wall, a day after East Germany abolished its border restrictions.
1989年,在德国东部废止了柏林墙的边界限制后的第一天,工人们开始在柏林墙上打孔!! |
In 1989,Tom Hanks won a Golden Globe Award,the Los Angeles Film Critics Award and earned his first Oscar nomination for his endearing role of a little boy in a man's body in Penny Marshall's Big.
1989年汤姆汉克斯赢得了金球奖和洛杉机电影评论奖,并且在彭妮·马歇尔导演的<大人/飞跃未来>中扮演了哪个具有小孩灵魂的大人而备受欢迎也因此货得了他的第一个奥斯卡提名。 |
In 1990 Mr. Shi was rewarded a Bachelor's Degree from the Politics Department of Northeast Normal University. In 1993, he became a teacher at Beijing Trade and Business College.
1986年考入东北师范大学政治教育系,1990年获哲学学士学位。同年,师从郑如心教授攻读哲学硕士。1993年研究生毕业后分配至原北京财贸学院理论部工作。 |
In 1990 parliament approved embryo research mainly into treating infertility and avoiding disability in children.
英国国会在一九九○年已批准主要用于治疗不孕症及防治孩童残疾的胚胎研究工作。 |
In 1990, Konoike established computer center in Osaka aiming at organizing a unified information management system with reinforced functions and effects and at promoting rationalization of distribution operated by computerization.
1990年鸿池公司在大阪建立计算机中心,其目标是组成一个强化功能和作用的统计信息管理中心,并通过计算机促进配送作业的合理化。 |
In 1990, Lech Walesa took the oath of office as Poland's first popularly elected president.
1990年,瓦文萨当选为波兰第一次全国大选的总统,宣布誓言。 |
In 1990, Saddam Hussein ordered the invasion of Kuwait.
1990年,萨达姆·侯赛因下令入侵科威特。 |
In 1990, a Gallup poll found that people shopped most frequently at super-regional malls and neigh-borhood centers.
这一时期超级地区中心(摩尔面积大于800,000平方英尺)日益受到消费者欢迎。 |
In 1990, he took on the Harvard economics department with A Tenured Professor,ridiculing, among others, a certain outspoken character who bore no small resemblance to himself.
我的翻译是:1990年,他获得哈佛大学经济学院“终身教授”资格,这是对那些与其学术观点大相径庭、夸夸其谈的人物的一次讽刺。 |