Activities are evaluated, aligned and implemented in a unified way.
将以统一的方式评估、合作和实施各项活动。 |
Activities contravening public security management regulations are punishable in accordance with provisions of the public security management penalties articles. Where crimes have occurred, prosecutions for criminal responsibility should be made.
构成违反治安管理行为的,依照治安管理处罚条例的规定处罚;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。 |
Activities in the daytime include wrestling, bull fighting, archery, horse-racing and so on.
白天有丰富的庆祝活动:摔跤、斗牛、箭术比赛和赛马等。 |
Activities in the gym might include the treadmill, stationary bike, elliptical, rowing machine, stair climber, or any number of group classes, such as step aerobics, kickboxing, martial arts, etc.
健身房里的运动可能包括原地蹬脚踏车、划圆圈、爬楼梯,以及参与人数不等的团体活动如有氧运动、跆拳道、武术等等。 |
Activities include: oral presentations, group discussions, guest lectures, and interviews with German speakers.
活动包括口头报告、分组讨论、客座演讲,以及与德语人士的访谈。 |
Activities intended to enhance quality such as reviews and testing are often curtailed or eliminated when projects fall behind schedule.
当产品开发进度远落后与进度表时,一些提高产品质量的行为,比如:检查和测试,将被缩减,甚至去除掉。 |
Activities may include:
活动包括: |
Activities of account executives are overseen by the SEC and the NASD.
证券交易委员会和全美证券交易商协会监管经纪人的工作。 |
Activities of the W3C usually garner wide attention, but the WAI has also been used as the basis for national legal regulations about accessibility in the US, Canada, Australia, UK and many other countries.
W3C的活动通常都会获得广泛的注意,但WAI同样也在美国,加拿大,澳大利亚,英国及许多其他国家被用作为关于可进入性的国家法律规章的基础。 |
Activities that didn't advance one of these five goals were eliminated.
无法促进这五项目标之一的行动都被排除。 |
Activities to quintessence of Chinese heritage, cultural dissemination and sharing of health harmonyas the theme, through a nationwide organized into rural communities, Chinese schooner Journey other forms of scientific propaganda activities TCM will show
活动以“传承中医国粹,传播优秀文化,共享健康和谐”为主题,通过在全国范围举办走进农村社区、中医大篷车万里行等多种形式的科普宣传活动,集中展示中医药悠久的历史、科学的理论、独特的方法、良好的疗效,让社会了解中医药为中华民族繁衍生息所作出的巨大贡献,了解中医药在维护人民健康,促进经济社会发展,弘扬我国优秀传统文化等方面的重要地位和作用,使广大人民群众了解中医、认识中医、感受中医,让中医药惠及千家万户,为大众健康服务。 |