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Please do not take my word for this but do a search for “ mind control ” and co***arable technologies, and you will not believe your eyes.

Please do not remove corals from the sea. 请不要把海里的珊瑚移走!
Please do not sit or stand in places that will interfere with the location's customers or staff. 请不要站立或坐在会干扰区域内顾客和工作人员的地方。
Please do not stay in any room of the opposite sex after 23:00 at night. 团员于晚间十1点晚点名后,不得逗留于异性房间内或外出.
Please do not strain you eyes. Relax. You might want to let your eyes go a little out of focus while you are looking for an aura. 请不要让你眼睛过度紧张疲劳。放松。你在努力看见光环的同时可以把眼睛从注视点移开少许时间。
Please do not suggest the addition of proprietary or companyspecific acronyms or terms. 请不要建议增加专有的或公司特有的缩略语或术语。
Please do not take my word for this but do a search for “ mind control ” and co***arable technologies, and you will not believe your eyes. 不要采用我的字眼,搜索“大脑控制武器(精神控制武器)”和相关技术,或许您不会相信您的眼睛。
Please do not think of our workers in our factory as not being human. 请不要以为我们工厂的工人不是人。
Please do not touch the corals with your flippers, as they are very fragile and easy to destroy. 请不要用你的鳍状肢触碰珊瑚,因为它们是很易碎的、很容易损坏的!
Please do not touch the wet paint. 油漆未干,请勿触摸。
Please do not use excess numbers or meaningless symbols in your name, which might obstruct the communication between you and other members. 请不要在名字中使用过多的数字和无意义的符号,以免影响您和其他成员之间的交流。
Please do not worry about own looks or height excessively with from vulgar.The person is an animal, but discriminate between the animal.Inborn term and is not pretense to impede you good livingly.The person's mind is been by long odds in looks, pleasing b 请不要为自己的相貌或者身高过分担心和自卑.人是动物,但是区别于动物.先天条件并不是阻挡你好好生活的借口.人的心灵远胜于相貌,请相信这点.如果有人以相貌取人,那么你也没必要太在意.因为他从某种意义来讲,只是只动物.你会跟动物怄气吗?

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