Blotchy interveinal yellow-green mottling and marginal yellowing of expanded leaflets; irregular brown necrotic patches; wavy margins and down-curved leaf tips.
矮生菜豆缺锌:带泡的脉间形成黄绿色斑纹,展开的小叶边缘黄化及不规则的褐色坏死斑点,波浪形边缘,叶尖向下卷曲. |
Blotchy irregular interveinal fading and orange-yellow chlorosis of older leaves, margins culed and sometimes scorched; younger leaves remaining green.
甜菜锰中毒:带有不规则斑点的叶脉间褪色,老叶变为桔黄色,边缘卷曲,有时枯萎,幼叶保持绿色。 |
Blow a little lit sage into each of the four corners of the room with the intent to open sacred space.
带著打开神圣空间的意想,将点亮的光明吹向房间的四个角落。 |
Blow air from your diaphragm out through your lips.
从胸膈膜处发气吹向唇部。 |
Blow first and sip afterwards.
喝茶防烫,吃饭防噎。 |
Blow it. = Screw up.
搞砸了。 |
Blow off thebirthday candle quickly,and return the fairy tale to Andersen ,beautiful stories will take place in your new age.
快快吹灭生日的蜡烛,把童话还给安徒生,美丽的故事将发生在你新的一岁。 |
Blow on my garden, that its fragrance may spread abroad.
吹在我的园内,使其中的香气发出来。 |
Blow out lines to remove all loose scale and other foreign matter that can damage valve seat.
吹出管道内可能损害阀门阀座的所有疏松的氧化皮和其他外来物质。 |
Blow out through holes 1,2 and 3 in a burst , cutting off your breath quickly (say”dit”into the harp ).
(急促地)吹第1、2和3孔,快速地切断你的呼吸(对着口琴说“特”)。 |
Blow the horn in Gibeah, The trumpet in Ramah. Sound an alarm at Beth-aven: Behind you, Benjamin!
何5:8你们当在基比亚吹角、在拉玛吹号、在伯亚文吹出大声、说、便雅悯哪、有仇敌在你后头。 |