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In a free country there will always be conflicting ideas, and this is a source of strength. It is conflict and not unquestioning agreement that keeps freedom alive.

In a formal public disputation, Francis David prevailed over the Calvinist Peter Melius ; resulting in 1568 in the formal adoption of individual freedom of religious expression under the Edict of Turda (the first such legal guarantee of religious freedom 在一场正式的公开辩论中,弗朗西斯·大卫驳倒了加尔文派的彼得·墨利乌斯;这导致了1568年土达法令的诞生,正式阐述了个人宗教信仰表达的自由(这也是基督教统治下欧洲的第一个宗教自由的合法保证)。
In a formula, if there is the same progression, we should work it out from left to right. 在一个算式里,如果只含有同一级运算,要从左往右依次计算.
In a forthcoming book about China, David Lampton of the School of Advanced International Studies at Johns Hopkins University argues that nations define and achieve their goals using three means: coercion, material inducement or intellectual motivation. 大卫?兰伯顿来自霍普金斯大学高级国际关系研究学院,他在即将出版的一本新书中称,高压政策、物质刺激、知识奖励是一国设定及达到自己目标的三种办法。
In a fragmented landscape, where Mr Chirac secured only 19.9% in the 2002 first round, that is a lot. 有段时期,希拉克在2002的第一轮中只保住了19.9%的选票,而这个数目已经是很大了。
In a frank manner; candidly. 不加掩饰地;坦白地
In a free country there will always be conflicting ideas, and this is a source of strength. It is conflict and not unquestioning agreement that keeps freedom alive. 自由国家里总会有观念上的差异对立,这是国家力量的来源。也就是说,让自由蓬勃发展的,是差异对立,而非驯顺的共识。
In a free enterprise system, customers are potentially the most powerful stakeholder group. 在自由企业体制中,顾客是潜在的最具权威的利益相关者。
In a free market society, these companies usually aren't around for long because the customers speak with their wallets and choose not to buy their buggy products. 在一个自由市场的社会,这些公司通常不能长期生存下来,因为客户会让自己的钱包说话,不可能购买一个满是缺陷的产品。
In a free-will zone, control is part of the game because someone wants to be in charge. 在一个自由意志地域里,控制是游戏的一部分因为有人想负责。
In a frenzy of hate he killed his enemy and revenged his father. 在恨之入骨的冲动下,他把仇人杀了,为他父亲报了仇。
In a frenzy of hate he killed his enemy. 在一阵痛恨的狂乱中,他杀死了敌人。

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