Zhengzhou Asia-Pacific Century Co.,Ltd with great innovative spirit, is one of the important factories produce multifunctional unburned brick molding press and the vacuum brick extruding machine series equipments.
具有创造精神的郑州亚太世纪机器有限公司,以生产多功能免烧压砖机,双级真空挤砖机系列设备的重点厂家之一。 |
Zhengzhou Coal Industry (Group) Limited Liability Company (hereinafter referred to as Zheng Meijituan companies) built in 1958, when the new Federated Mining Bureau, January 1989 renamed Zhengzhou Mining Bureau, 1996 1 January original coal Department app
郑州煤炭工业(集团)有限责任公司(简称郑煤集团公司),始建于1958年,时名新密矿务局,1989年1月更名为郑州矿务局,1996年1月经原煤炭部批准组建为国有独资公司,2002年9月与中国信达、中国华融资产管理公司联合组建为产权多元化新公司,是国家大型一类企业,国家二级企业,原煤炭部首批建立现代企业制度试点单位之一,煤炭行业第一家发行股票并上市的企业。 |
Zhengzhou Hantang International Culture &Trade Co., Ltd cooperate with lots of famous foreign universities all over the world, such as, Uniersity of Hertfordshire, Cambridge Education Group in the UK, Toronto Institute of Technology Taie International Ins
郑州汉唐与各国众多国立大学和专业院校机构合作,如英国的赫特福德大学剑桥教育集团,加拿大的多伦多理工学院,达英国际学院,以及马来西亚的汝来国际学院以及语言之家等等;可提供不同层次的汉语培训活动-----汉语夏令营.冬令营.汉语游学.华裔家庭学生寻根问祖等。 |
Zhengzhou Railway Station is the largest passenger transport station in China, and completion of west exit will greatly increase commercial value of surrounding area, with transport facility, prosperous people stream, this land has high investment value.
郑州火车站是国内最大的客运站,西出站口的建成,将极大地提升周边区域商业价值,交通便利,人气旺盛,具有极高的投资价值。 |
Zhengzhou VCOM Electronic Technology, professional IPTV system and terminal provider, content integrator and operator, is partnering with China NetCom in Henan and intends to expand their application to an extra nine provinces in northern China.
郑州威科姆公司是专业的IPTV系统合终端提供商、内容集成商及运营商,目前正在与河南的中国网通合作,意欲将其服务应用扩展至中国北方的其它九个省。 |
Zhengzhou boasts abundant natural resources.
郑州拥有得天独厚的自然资源。 |
Zhengzhou has a temperate and monsoonal climate with four clearly distinct seasons.
郑州地区属暖温带大陆性气候,四季分明. |
Zhengzhou is the birthplace of Chinese nation and its brilliant civilization.
郑州孕育了中华民族及其光辉灿烂的文化. |
Zhengzhou mining to cross-new Federated, site, opened, Hunan, withdraw the army and some other cities (and counties) and the outskirts of Zhengzhou Coal tenure and forecasts 193 million tons of resources, and karst landscape development, groundwater and u
郑州矿区地跨新密、登封、新郑、巩义、偃师等市(县)及郑州郊区,煤炭保有及预测资源量193亿吨,且岩溶地貌发育,地下水及铝矾土资源异常丰富,适合兴建大型电厂和铝厂。 |
Zhengzhou start a prairie fire electronic technology is a network of international high-tech Internet Limited technical ISP.
郑州燎原电子技术网络有限公司是一家国际性的高科技互联网技术服务提供商。 |
Zhengzhou's drastic makeover is typical of those under way in cities around China.
郑州巨大的建设正是现在中国其它城市的代表。 |