To further our study of the Yuan Bai School, it is necessary to expound and illustrate this identification and judgment.
出于元白诗派研究的需要,这一定位这一判断值得加以具体论证。 |
To further perfect the process of Laser Rapid Prototyping and to further improve the manufacturing precision of the Rapid Prototyping Technology, a theoretical analysis is made of the galvanometer scanning system widely-used in stero-prototyping technolog
摘要为进一步完善激光快速成型工艺,并提高快速成型技术的制造精度,对立体成型技术中广泛使用的振镜扫描系统进行了理论分析,提出并实践了一种新的校正算法。 |
To further reach its goal of continued economic development, the PRC adopted a new security stategy, in particular in its policy toward the United States.
加入世贸组织后的冲击与九一一事件后国际战略情势的转变是近期影向中共外交政策走向的两大变数。 |
To further reinforce the gateway, many castles had an outer wall or a barbican which screened the gate from attack.
为了进一步加固大门,许多城堡都有外墙或桥头堡,保护大门不受攻击。 |
To further restrict the list you see to contain tasks that are in a particular due date range, choose the filter from the list at the upper left of the screen.
为了更进一步限制,让您所见到的清单只有列出在特别到期日期範围内的待办事项,请您在萤幕左上方的清单中选择筛选条件。 |
To further support the demanding requirements of our customers, PETRO improve on our management system and upgrade techniques endlessly. PETRO offers customers extensive international knowledge and services.
为了进一步地满足顾客的需求,不论是在管理上,技术上,帕卓都不断的精进自我。帕卓的目标是为我们的顾客提供具备国际水平的专业知识及服务。 |
To further the reform in English language teaching, the Department of Foreign Languages, Tsinghua University did two English Summer Camps for Tsinghua freshmen in 2004 and 2005 respectively.
摘要为了深化英语教学改革,清华大学外语系在2004级和2005级大一新生中举办了两届英语夏令营。 |
To further understand the clinical features of the infarction in the territory of cortical branches of anterior ce-rebral artery.
提高对大脑前动脉皮质支分布区域梗死的临床认识。 |
To further understand the space-time structure of hydrological variables, the observed values at each measurement site are considered as separate but correlated in the one-dimensional time series.
为了更进一步了解水文变数之时空架构,每个测站观测资料视为一维时间序列,但测站与测站间关系为二维空间结构。 |
To gain a foothold in America, he wants Communicon to be present at the Electronica Trade Fair, due to be held in New York later this year.
为了在美国立住脚跟,他希望国际通讯公司参加今年晚些时候在纽约举行的电子元器件贸易展会。 |
To gain access to large amounts of cash, a company may issue bonds and each bond is, in effect, a long-term note payable that bears interest.
一个公司为了筹集大量现金可以发行债券,每张债券实际上都是带息的长期应付票据。 |