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They are idle recreation at best.

They are hostile toward us. 他们对我们怀有敌意。
They are hurting China in international cooperation and exchanges! 他们伤害了中国的国际合作与贸易!!
They are hypothetical human beings modified for life in a hostile or alien environment by the substitution of artificial organs. 他们是假想的人类,为适应在敌对的或异族的环境中生活而对自身进行了改变,以人造器官代替原有的器官。
They are ideal for sports and leisure and always functional though stylish. 它们是从事运动与休闲的理想之选,既时髦又不乏实用。
They are ideal power for agri-transportation vechile, tractor, engineering machinery, genset, boat and pump, combining harvester and food processing machine. 常内牌柴油机是农用运输车、拖拉机、工程机械、发电机组、内河船舶、排灌、联合收割机及农副产品加工等理想的配套动力装置。
They are idle recreation at best. 他们顶多是空闲时的消遣。
They are ignorant of the recent changes here. 他们不了解这里最近的变化.
They are imbued with life because of the associations. 因为这些关系,它们都充满了生命。
They are implacable rivals. 他们是势不两立的竞争对手。
They are important idea resources. 这是我国重要的思想资源。
They are important tools for today's couples who are searching for a significantly different way of relating to each other, couples who want to sustain love and sexual passion for a lifetime together. 它们是现代夫妇,希望一生都互相保持爱和性热情的重要工具,是以一种值得注目的不同方式去使得他们互相关联。

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