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The longest day must have an end.

The longer we study this blessed truth and think of what it means to exercise this power for the glory of God and the salvation of men, the deeper will become our conviction that it is worth giving up everything to take part with Christ in His work of int 我们愈思想这个蒙福的事实并为了神的荣耀及人的救赎而运用代祷的意义,我们就愈深的相信放下一切而有份于基督代祷的工作是最值得的。
The longer you hold out the better your choice will be. 维持的时间越长,你的选择越好。
The longest day has an end. 天下没有不散的盛筵。
The longest day have an end. 最难过的日子也有尽头。
The longest day must have an end. 【谚】天虽长,必有尽。
The longest day must have an end. 不幸的日子总会过去。
The longest diameter of this oval shape is oriented front to back, and the broadest part of the oval is against the mother's back. 牠们的横切面也是卵形,长轴正对著腹面与背面,卵圆最宽的一端贴近背面。
The longest maturity of a petty co umer credit is one year. 小额信用消费贷款的最长期限为一年。
The longest maturity of a petty consumer credit is one year. 小额信用消费贷款的最长期限为一年。
The longest night will have an end. 最漫长的黑夜总会结束。否极泰来。
The longest one-syllable word in the English language is screeched. 英语中最长的单音节词就是尖叫声。

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