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It cuts both ways to work in a state-run enterprise or a joint venture :the pay from a state-run enterprise is relatively lower but you feel more stable while in a joint venture you feel unassured, though the pay is relatively higher.

It creeps in on a misty dawn and vanishes in the hot afternoon. 它在雾蒙蒙的早晨悄然而至,又在煦暖暖的午后消失无踪。
It curves front and back in an upward flight, signaling to the world a new day and a new central place for the culture of China. 作品正反面的纹路则是光的象征,同时包含着全世界将以中国文化为中心欢聚一堂的意义。
It cut off the power and the water supply in broad areas. 在很?泛的地??,它切擂了?源和水的供?
It cut the price of its heavier oil and raised the price of its light oil. 沙特降低了重质油的价格,同时提高了其轻质原油的价格。
It cuts a clean cylinder of rock, from which can be seen the strata the drill has been cutting through. 这种钻头能切割一段光滑的圆柱形岩石,从中能看出所钻透的地层。
It cuts both ways to work in a state-run enterprise or a joint venture :the pay from a state-run enterprise is relatively lower but you feel more stable while in a joint venture you feel unassured, though the pay is relatively higher. 在国营企业或合资企业工作各有利弊:在国营企业工作比较安定,但工资较少;在合资企业工业挣钱多一些,可是又不稳定。
It dated very early since tea was delivered to other country. 很早以前,茶就传播到了其它国家。
It dates back to the Middle Ages, when just about everybody believed in witches. 这可以追溯到中世纪,当时几乎人人都相信有巫婆。
It dates from 125 million years before biplanes were invented. 在双翼飞机问世之前的1.25亿年前,这种动物翱翔在天空。
It daw on a familiar, workaday place, still in need of groceries and sewage di osal. 它洒在一个司空见惯,平凡庸碌的地方,一个仍然无法摆脱食品杂货,污水处理的地方。
It dawned on me that it was only a dream. 我渐渐明白这只是个梦。

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