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Once, in the dim and distant past, I was a student here.

Once, as a young man full of exuberant fancy, I undertook to draw up a catalogue of the acknowledged” goods” of life. 当我是一个充满了美丽幻想的年轻人时,曾经著手为公认的人生「幸福」草拟一份目录。
Once, at a public dinner, G.K Chesterton stared pointedly at Bernard Shaw's thin figure and remarked,Looking at you, Shaw, people would think there was a famine in England. 一次宴会上,切期特顿直盯着肖伯纳那消瘦的身材说道:肖,你看看你自己,人们还以为英国闹饥荒了。
Once, glancing back, he saw the wolf licking hungrily his bleeding trail, and he saw sharply what his own end might be – unless – unless he could get the wolf. 一次,他回过头看了一下,看到那只狼正贪婪地舔着他的血迹,他很清楚自己可能的下场——除非他能将狼干掉。
Once, glancing back, he saw the wolf licking hungrily his bleeding trail, and he saw sharply what his own end might be-unless-unless he could get the wolf. 有一次,当他回头时,恰好看见那只病狼正饿得发慌地舔着他的血迹,他突然看到了自己的宿命——除非——除非他可以弄到这只狼。
Once, in high school, I had to dress up as Cookie Monster and hand out cookies. 一次,在高中的时候,我装扮成饼干怪物散发饼干。
Once, in the dim and distant past, I was a student here. 我早八辈子的时候在这儿读过书。
Once, it was the most important spot in the Kaohsiung area. 它曾是高雄地区最重要的地点。
Once, late at night, an Englishman came out of his room into the corridor of a hotel and asked the servant to bring him a glass of water. 一天晚上,一个英国人从他住的旅店房间里走出来。来到走廊上,叫旅店的服务员给他拿一杯水来。
Once, the wizard used the fleshbeasts in his clandestine experiments within the laboratories of Karazhan. 这位巫师曾一度在他位于卡拉赞的实验室里奴役着这些血肉魔畜进行秘密的实验。
Once, they had a quarrel. 有一次,他们争吵了一番。
Once, they had participated in the time which the socialist party person assembles by a tabloid reporter confusedly is interpolated in the report, becomes the anarchism leader, encounters the isolation and besieges, Luo Siye was official and he bids good- 一次,他们参加社会党人集会的时候被一个小报记者张冠李戴地写进报道里,成为无政府主义者的魁首,遭到孤立和围攻,罗丝也正式和他分手了。

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