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Instead of wasting time and energy on commute, students can learn in the comfort of their homes.

Instead of using the tools of physics—light and electrons—we employed mechanical processes that are familiar in everyday life: printing, stamping, molding and embossing. 我们并没有使用光及电子这些物理工具,而是运用日常生活里所熟悉的机械过程:印刷、压印、铸模及压纹。
Instead of waiting until problems pile up, we should try to solve each as it arises. 问题一出现就应设法解决,不要等问题成了堆再去解决。
Instead of wallowing in self-pity they should do something positive to improve their situation. 与其终日自叹自怜,他们应该做一些积极的事情改善自己的处境。
Instead of wanted to be a footballer, or a rugby player like most boys of my age, I am a singer. 我这个年岁的男孩子都想当足球或者是橄榄球球员,我只是碰巧成了个歌手而已。
Instead of wastefully broadcasting personal communications—such as cell-phone calls—in all directions, these innovative antennas track the positions of mobile users and deliver radio signals directly to them. 这种新型天线会追踪行动用户的位置,把无线电讯号直接发射给他们,而不会浪费地朝著四面八方播送个人通讯(比如行动电话)。
Instead of wasting time and energy on commute, students can learn in the comfort of their homes. 同学们无须舟车劳顿、疲于奔命地赶上课,可以安坐家中专心学习。
Instead of water container in traditional system. 1代替传统的水箱系统。
Instead of wishing away nine months of pregnancy, I'd have cherished every moment and realized that the wonderment growing inside me was the only chance in life to assist God in a miracle. 我不会在盼望中度过9个月妊娠期,我要珍惜每一刻,要意识到体内生长的神奇是我今生帮助上帝创造奇迹的惟一机会。
Instead of withdrawing as it was imperative for him to do, the generalissimo, like a gambler who has lost his nerve, began throwing good money after bad. 他当撤不撤,像一个输红了眼的赌徒,想要翻本,又下新的赔注,结果输得更惨。
Instead of withdrawing the funding, the club has been handed a reprieve by having today's deadline extended until the end of September to give chief executive Rick Parry more time to come up with the money. 尽管如此,委员会并没有撤走这笔基金,而是将最后的期限从今天延长到了9月底,这样俱乐部首席执行官帕里就有了更多时间来筹集资金。
Instead of working, he had a rest. 他没有工作,而是好好休息了一下。

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