I've chipped a piece out of your table, I'm afraid.
对不起,我把你的桌子碰坏了一小块。 |
I've collected all of the singer's CDs.
我收集了这个歌手所有的CD。 |
I've colleted the most valuable foreign coins.
我收集了相当珍贵的外国钱币. |
I've come for a job interview.
我是来进行工作面试的。 |
I've come for an interview.
我是来面谈的。 |
I've come here on business.
我是有公事来的。 |
I've come here to visit friends.
我来这里拜访朋友。 |
I've come into possession of a map, an uncharted island, a place that was thought to exist only in myth.
我拥有一张地图,上面有一个以前从未曾标注的岛屿--一个被认为只有在神话传说当中存在的地方. |
I've come to Hokkaido to learn what lessons might underlie these spectacles, what they might teach us about wildness and survival and the riddle of our own relations to nature.
我之所以来到北海道,就是为了找出这些奇景背后可能的意义,看它们能否让我们更加了解原野、了解生存之道,以及人类与自然之间的不解之迷。 |
I've come to apply for the position as office clerk.
我是来应聘办公室文员一职的。 |
I've come to close my account.
我来结清我的存款。 |