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An analysis is made of the causes for the occurrence of hydrodynamic pressure lubrication and the conditions for its realization.

An analogous unit or division of classical Greek or Latin prose. 诗文的划分古希腊或拉丁散文中类似的分段
An analogue meter moves a needle along a scale. 指针式万用表,以在一个范围内,摆动一根指针指标测量数值而名。
An analogy is your skin. 另一个例子就是你的皮肤。
An analogy to demonstrate this principle could be seen in the projection of a movie onto a screen by a high powered and focused beam of light coming from the projector. 能够看见投影在银幕上的电影,以此类推,通过高原子能量和聚焦光束就产生了投射机。
An analysis conducted by Professor Jessica Utts showed a statistically significant effect. 一个由杰西卡教授指导的分析表现出一种统计上有意义的效果。
An analysis is made of the causes for the occurrence of hydrodynamic pressure lubrication and the conditions for its realization. 摘要分析流体动压润滑产生的原因以及实现流体动压润清的条件。
An analysis is made of the causes for the problems of the decrease in quench water flowrate, abrasive wear of the coal water pipes, and blockage of the heat exchanger for ash water and the revamp measures, and after an inquiry into them, improvement measu 摘要对气化装置激冷水流量的降低、黑水管道磨损、灰水换热器堵塞问题的产生原因及改造措施进行分析和探讨,提出改进措施。
An analysis is made of the failures in operation since the nitric acid unit is put into operation, and countermeasures are put forward for the realization of long period run of the localized nitric acid unit. 摘要对硝酸装置投产以来的运行故障进行分析,提出了实现国产化硝酸装置长周期运行的对策。
An analysis made from theory to practice of the three major contradictions, viz. , blow gas and gas generation, upward blow and downward blow and coke addition and slag discharge, and the three major equilibria, viz. , material and carbon equilibrium, the 摘要从理论到实际剖析了煤气炉内存在的吹风与制气、上吹与下吹、加炭与排渣三大矛盾和物料与碳平衡、热平衡、化学平衡三大平衡。
An analysis of 41 executions by lethal injection in California and North Carolina since 1984 found that the three-drug cocktail can cause a slow and painful death from suffocation while leaving victims conscious, but unable to move or cry out. 对1984年以来加利福尼亚州和北卡罗来纳州采用注射死刑方式的41项死刑执行的分析表明,三种药物组成的鸡尾酒可能引起缓慢而痛苦的死于窒息,同时罪犯会有知觉,但不能移动身体或大叫。
An analysis of amino acid composition of naturally occurring peptide with intra-molecular disulfide bond has been carried out. 目的为结合生物化学与生物信息,设计一网络搜寻实作课程以辅助胺基酸相关课程之教学。

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