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If I were the patient,I hope that doctors and nurses acquire the affluent specialized knowledge and broad-kind hearts.Because they can console my body indisposition.Subsequently,I entrust my life to them with confidence and ease.

If I were in your shoes. 如果我站在你的立场上。
If I were not busy, I would have come. 假如我不忙,我将会来的。
If I were sensible, I might identify the heroine's feeling in the movie. 如果我是感性的,我可能能与那电影中女主角感同身受。
If I were sole owner I would nominate you this moment, my dear Dantes, and say it is settled. 我亲爱的邓蒂斯,假如我是独资老板,我现在就可任命你,把事情决定了。
If I were ten years younger, I'd study harder. 要是我年轻10岁,我就要更用功学习。
If I were the patient,I hope that doctors and nurses acquire the affluent specialized knowledge and broad-kind hearts.Because they can console my body indisposition.Subsequently,I entrust my life to them with confidence and ease. 假如我是病人,我希望医护人员有着丰富的专业知识和有颗博大的爱心来安抚我躯体的病痛,让我安心,放心,有信心将自己的生命托付!
If I were the patient,I hope to see a hospital owning the elegant and sanitary enviroment. 假如我是一个病人,我希望见到一个环境优雅、窗明几净的医院。
If I were the president of a university I should establish a compulsory course in How to Use Your Eyes. 如果我是大学校长,我就要开设一门必修课:“如何使用你们的眼睛”。
If I were the president of a university I should establish a compulsory course inHow to Use Your Eyes. 如果我是一所大学的校长,我就要开设一门强制的必修课“如何应用你的眼睛”。
If I were them, I would return the call after I got off the bus, if it wasn't urgent. 如果我是他们,如果不急,我会在下车以后回电话。
If I were those swordman from the militia, I'd have refused to die.All their lives were worth only the value of egg! 如果我是那群太尉府的刀客,我一定死不瞑目,后来这么多条命加起来,只不过值一个鸡蛋。为了一个鸡蛋而失去一个手指,值得吗?

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