It return can side various traffic tools, facilitate us to make trip and travel!
它还会边成各种交通工具,方便我们出行、旅游! |
It returns the full line that contains the search term.
它返回包含搜寻期限的完整的线。 |
It revealed that the organization is an open system in which their internal human capital system closely interacts with industrial environment and influence innovational performance.
显见企业乃是一开放系统,其内部之人力资本系统与产业环境确实有着密切的交互作用,并对组织创新绩效生成显着影响。 |
It reveals 48 percent died from a gunshot wound, 20 percent from the impact of a car bomb, 9 percent from aerial bombardment, 6 percent by accident and 6 percent from another blast or ordnance.
结果发现,48%的人死于枪伤,20%的人死于汽车炸弹,9%的人死于空袭,6%的人死于意外及其他爆炸或袭击。 |
It reveals from the result of three trap predictions that using some indexes comprehensively to make a decision can not only get considerable oil and gas resources but also great benefit.
应用综合评价法预测了某探区3个圈闭勘探目标,结果表明,综合多个指标做决策,既可获得可观的资源量,又可实现较大的效益。 |
It reveals that 30% acidulous grain alcohol is suitable, superior in the pigment dissolving.
结果表明:30%酸性乙醇是美国地锦色素的较好提取剂。 |
It reveals that in the development of true disciples there must be a renouncement of one's old way of thinking, and an abandonment of trust in the flesh, which must then be replaced with a new, open, submissive and obedient attitude to the Word of our God
也告诉了我们一个真正的门徒必须弃绝旧的思考方式,不再相信肉身,必须换以新的,开放的,顺从的,顺服的态度来面对我们神的话语。 |
It reveals that the dyeing rate of the active dyes improves remarkably.
结果表明,亚麻织物经壳聚糖整理后,活性染料上染率提高。 |
It reveals that though incapable of being woven into textiles, various species of kapok were in fact used for stitches in production of such fabrics as the authentic Li jibeiand lidan.
认为木棉科木棉虽不能织布,但可用于联缀贯穿;黎族人民织出令人称奇的吉贝布、黎单等,正是利用了木棉、树棉、草棉等多种原料。 |
It reveals the demand of localization generated at the commercial law's birth, through the analysis that covers from its origin to the feature study of the Commercial Codes of France and Germany; Based on the deep insight into the legislations of the comm
从世界近代商法的滥觞开始,到大陆法系法德两国商法典的特征化分析,揭示世界范围内商法从其产生之日起便具有的本土化需求;在对由清末至民国时期的商事立法考察的基础上,着重论述中国商法在语境关注这一路途上的探索与启示;最后运用理论与实证的双重进路,探讨本土语境下的中国当代商法。 |
It reveals the harmony among the advancement character, the class character and the mass character.
“三个代表”是对党的先进性的新概括,是历史经验的科学总结。 |