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The artist had rendered her gentle smile perfectly.

The artist brought his paints with him. 那画家自带颜料.
The artist craved recognition of his talents. 这位艺术家渴望他的天才得到承认。
The artist follows a photographer's crew in the process of recording (and staging) a refugee family from the Balkan war. 艺术家沿着一个摄影者全体人员在记录(既没发起)一个难民家庭从巴尔干战争过程中。
The artist frescoed the building. 这位艺术家为这栋建筑作壁画。
The artist had only time to touch off the mountain as the train stopped for refreshments. 火车停下来让旅客买点心吃,这时画家只来得及把那座山草草地勾勒出来。
The artist had rendered her gentle smile perfectly. 该艺术家把她那温柔的笑容表现得惟妙惟肖。
The artist has caught her smile perfectly. 艺术家巧妙地捕捉住她的笑容.
The artist made a replica of his picture. 该名画家做出他的画的复制品。
The artist made his mark twenty years ago while living in Paris. 那位艺术家是二十年前任在巴黎时成名的。
The artist must have spent hours etching the image on the glass. 这位美术家一定花了好几小时把这画像蚀刻在玻璃上。
The artist painted a picture for his interior decoration. 画家为了他的室内布置而画了一幅画。

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