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A loner has a character, he does not love others, meanwhile he is not willing to accept love from others.

A lonely dandelion flies and flies. He is looking for friends and a home. 可怜的蒲公英飘阿飘,希望可以找到朋友以及一个适合生长的家。
A lonely frog telephoned the Psychic Hotline and asked what his future holds. 一只孤单的青蛙打电话给心理咨询热线,询问它未来的生活。
A lonely star shone out against the black sky. 一颗孤星在黑色的夜空中闪闪发亮。
A lonely stranger in a strange land I am cast, I miss my family all the more on every festive day. 独在异乡为异客,每逢佳节倍思亲。
A lonely young woman boards the subway and meets a panhandler who's begging for love rather than money. 一个孤独的女孩乘地铁,碰到一个不求金钱只求爱的人。
A loner has a character, he does not love others, meanwhile he is not willing to accept love from others. 孤独者有个特点,他不爱别人的同时还不愿接受别人的爱.
A loner has s character, he does not love others, meanwhile he is not willing to accept love from others. 孤僻者总有不喜欢别人的性格,同时他们也不愿意接受别人给予的爱。
A long Par4. The players should aim to the middle of the 2 bunkers on the fairway, of which there are water hazards twinkling and sparking on the both side. 较长的4杆洞,开球时要对着两个沙坑中间打,只要方向稍有偏失,很容易就会落水,上果岭的一杆只要向着旗杆打就行。
A long cloak or outer robe, usually of fur or with a fur lining. 毛皮披风一种通常是毛皮质或毛皮衬里的长披风或外袍
A long coastline and rich stateowed ocean resources provid e a vital guarantee for west Guangdong region to relieve the contradiction of Ma n and Earth and to implement the sustained development strategy. 漫长的海岸带,丰富的海洋国土资源是粤西地区缓解人地矛盾、实施可持续发展战略的重要保证。
A long corridor enables visitors to enjoy the wetland's scenery while going to the museum's main building. 一个长长的通道将参观者导向博物馆主建筑,沿途可欣赏湿地风景。

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